H2H4 / H2H4 Schedule & Rules and Regulations
02-May 06
ekimmel Offline
I had a run of family stuff last night and was unable to post them. It happens when you have 3 kids. They WILL be posted tonight, though. So brush off those RCT discs and get ready.
ekimmel Offline
I made all the screenshots the same size as Cork was so hopefully he can quickly update his site when he gets back. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Sweet, what you're doing with Hurricanes vs Demigods is exactly what I hoped you'd do while I was gone. Thanks a lot, guys.
Sweet, what you're doing with Hurricanes vs Demigods is exactly what I hoped you'd do while I was gone. Thanks a lot, guys. -
Corkscrewed Offline
H2H4 site has been updated with week 6 and 7 scores, screens, and downloads.
Standings are also updated. Check out the vote stats... very lopsided.
Altho we forgot the biggest story of the week... THE EAST FINALLY WON AGAINST THE WEST!!! -
Coaster Ed Offline
Here's what we're in store for in Week 10: The Hurricanes and Tycoon Bandits are already in the playoffs so their matchups are irrelevant. Meanwhile, two spots are still up for grabs in the East division.
If Strangelove wins in Week 10, they are in regardless. With a one game advantage on everyone else, it's their spot to lose.
If the Ferocious Tigers and Strangelove both win, the Demigods are eliminated.
If the Demigods win and the Tigers lose, Strangelove still makes it to the playoffs and the Tigers are eliminated.
Here's where it gets interesting. If the Demigods win and the Tigers win also, we go into a three way tie. Uh oh. The division record would also be tied. Double uh oh. The record against the west would also be tied. Triple uh oh.
So what we're left with is a team being eliminated on the basis of vote totals which, if you ask me, is worst case scenario because vote totals are the most random arbitrary thing ever. I've always hated that it's a factor at all, but there it is in the rules. Currently Strangelove has a commanding lead in vote count, followed by the Tigers with the Demigods in third. If it comes down to a three-way tie, that forfeit may have just cost the Demigods the playoffs. And considering their commanding lead in total votes, Strangelove has pretty much clinched a playoff spot.
Do we really need more controversy this season? Vote totals? Vote totals?! What a disaster. That's like USC in 2003. And strangely enough, I have a weird feeling this might be just how it goes down. -
Evil WME Offline
Since the demigods forfeited one match, and haven't made any parks of the week.. it's only natural for their vote total to be substantially lower than ours and that of strangeloves. I think it's quite a fair way to look at it, and.. how else? -
Panic Offline
So what we're left with is a team being eliminated on the basis of vote totals which, if you ask me, is worst case scenario because vote totals are the most random arbitrary thing ever. I've always hated that it's a factor at all, but there it is in the rules. Currently Strangelove has a commanding lead in vote count, followed by the Tigers with the Demigods in third. If it comes down to a three-way tie, that forfeit may have just cost the Demigods the playoffs. And considering their commanding lead in total votes, Strangelove has pretty much clinched a playoff spot.
Do we really need more controversy this season? Vote totals? Vote totals?! What a disaster. That's like USC in 2003. And strangely enough, I have a weird feeling this might be just how it goes down.
I'm pretty sure we switched over to vote percentages being the fourth factor after something was brought up about it in like Week 5. Vote totals should have no bearing on the outcome and will not if that switch was indeed made. -
eman Offline
Yea, when I brought up the vote total issue I'm pretty sure it was agreed that we'd go by percentage rather than mere quantity. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I don't like vote percentages either. It penalizes parks involved in "good" matchups and favors parks involved in blowouts. What happens with forfeits then? Do you get 100% or does it just not factor in at all? What if your best park is involved in a forfeit so instead of getting 90% of the votes you get nothing? What if another team submits an incomplete park like "Snakes on a Plane" instead of forfeiting? Then the other team gets a huge advantage. So yeah, I think vote percentages are just as bad. They're interesting to keep track of statistically, but as far as actually counting towards playoff elimination? Ouch, there's got to be a better way. I'd even prefer a one match playoff.
Not to mention I hate to think we've gotten to a point where intentionally forfeiting matches is good strategically. That goes against everything H2H is about. It's supposed to be about winning matches, not manipulating vote totals by trying to guess which matchups you actually need to try to win and which you should give up. And I guess captains are just playing by the rules so I can't fault them for that, but when it comes down to who deserves to keep playing after the regular season, I should think that forfeiting your matches should put you at a disadvantage, not the other way around. -
Panic Offline
Alright, how about this. If it comes to it and there's a three-way tie in the East, let's have a three-way conference finals. Potentially it could be the most kickass round in all H2H if all three parks are great.
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