H2H4 / H2H4 Schedule & Rules and Regulations
02-May 06
Corkscrewed Offline
First off, the divisions:
Ferocious Tigers
Tycoon Bandits
Italian Stallions
Week 1:
Demigods vs. Italian Stallions
Hurricanes vs. Strangelove
Tycoon Bandits vs. Ferocious Tigers
Week 2:
Demigods vs. Strangelove
Italian Stallions vs. Tycoon Bandits
Week 3:
Hurricanes vs. Italian Stallions
Strangelove vs. Ferocious Tigers
Week 4:
Demigods vs. Ferocious Tigers
Hurricanes vs. Tycoon Bandits
Week 5:
Demigods vs. Tycoon Bandits
Hurricanes vs. Ferocious Tigers
Italian Stallions vs. Strangelove
Week 6:
Strangelove vs. Ferocious Tigers
Week 7:
Demigods vs. Hurricanes
Tycoon Bandits vs. Italian Stallions
Week 8:
Demigods vs. Ferocious Tigers
Strangelove vs. Tycoon Bandits
Week 9:
Hurricanes vs. Italian Stallions
Week 10:
Demigods vs. Strangelove
Hurricanes vs. Tycoon Bandits
Italian Stallions vs. Ferocious Tigers
So we'll be using the same rules as last year (they seemed to work out pretty well once we got everything finelined). You can read them here:
But since most people are lazy, I'll simply copy and paste them below.
The basic concept of Head-2-Head is simple. Any given matchup features two teams, each pitting a mini-park (usually around 50x50 to 70x70 squares in size) made by a pair of parkmakers. Though parks are intentionally small to allow plenty of time for construction, players must cooperate with each other in these partner parks. Upon the deadline, both parks of the matchup are posted on the forums for the public to vote upon. The winning park is the one with more votes. In this way, Head-2-Head acts as a sort of RCT Sport, with the teams and scores and the competition.
And like any sport, it has its own rules upon which play is judged upon:
-No player can go two consecutive weeks. That includes playoffs, etc. That does not include bye weeks. For example, if a player goes one week, then your team has a bye week the next week, the player still cannot play the next week. Basically, no parkmaker can submit a park two times straight.
-No two teammates may play together more then once. Pretty self explanatory.
-No player can go more then three times. That includes playoffs, so be careful how you use certain players. This ensures that everyone on the team gets their chance to participate.
-No more then ONE solo park allowed during the season, including playoffs. Only one person can make one solo park for the entire team the whole season. Use it wisely.
-No coach may try and persuade any players into doing something they can't. For instance, if a player cannot go three times, the coach can not punish or replace the player. If the player can not play a certain game that the coach wants, the coach can not punish or replace the player. You should have known these things when you drafted them.
-No non-participating coach may participate at all throughout the entire season, regardless of drop-outs. This ensures that the special fourth round pick in the draft stays fair.
-If a player drops out, the coach may not choose any player he wants to replace them. He must choose a player off the Replacement List, and the player must be approved by all coaches, to prevent less talented players to be replaced by superstars.
-There is no bench for H2H, but be reasonable. I will not set a designated map size, but if a team submits a map that all coaches decides is unreasonably too big, the park will be disqualified and entered in as a NE Design.
-There are no rules on creating scenery. Go wild with that one.
-You absolutely cannot add a player's name to a park that he did not participate in. If this is done, the team will forfeit the entire season, and the coach will no longer be allowed to participate in any future H2H (as player or captain). Again, ensuring all players get to play, and also making sure that the coaches stay true to the rules of H2H.
-Any coach found snooping through another team's forums (if you miraculously guess their password) will have a temporary ban from New Element, which would encompass all of H2H. This would allow for no parks from this captain, and a replacement captain would then be named.
-You may not put your name on a H2H park in any way. These will be voted on anonymously, so any park that has any sign of the parkmakers name will not be counted. This includes staff, mosaic signs, underwater land coloring, any clever ways of putting your name in that are counted will lead in automatic DQ. The parks will be revealed at the end.
- All matches from now on will have a maximum five day limit, or 120 hours after they are posted. A match may be called well before that if it is obvious that one park will win, but in the case of a very tight, back and forth matchup, the final score will be called exactly five days after the park is posted. During the regular season, the score will hold, win or tie. However, during the playoffs, should the score still be tied after exactly five days, a special "recount" will be issued. A new poll will be set up for exactly 24 hours before it is closed, featuring the same question, but ideally less time to allow for any "cheat" votes. Should that still result in a tie, a special impartial three or five person committee will be set up to judge the parks.
- In regular season standings, ties count less than wins but are better than losses. Mathematically, you could say a tie is like .49 wins. Upon the conclusion of the season, wins take precedence above all. For example, 5-2-0 is better than 4-2-1. 5-2-0 is also better than 4-1-2. However, should two teams have an equal number of wins, the team with less losses as the advantage. For example, 4-1-2 is better than 4-2-1, and 5-1-1 is better than 5-2-0.
- In the event two teams fighting for the same playoff spot, the tiebreak procedures go like this:
1. The team with the better head to head record advances.
2. The team with the better record within its division advances.
3. The team with the better record against the other division advances.
4. The team with more total votes throughout the season (add up how many votes it got in each matchup) advances.
It's unlikely it'll ever get to the last one, but if it does, that's just my way of keeping voter turnout high, as it might come back to matter, even in a blowout. Votes will be counted according to what is listed in the SCORES thread. Those scores are whatever the score is when I post the first matchup for the following week, not what the score is when I officially call a match (since often, people still vote afterwards, and I encourage this).
For the record, Iris will be the one running H2H4. All entries will probably be sent to him, though he'll give you an email address later, I suppose. I'm not sure I'll have the time run it this year, so it's Iris's baby. Again. -
Toon Offline
I would strongly suggest that a maximum map size be stated. I hate the idea of a park being dq'd after it's complete because it's deemed to big. Other than that the rules are great. -
Corkscrewed Offline
If you want to go bigger, you need to ask Iris for permission. Or, as we say in architecture... "apply for a variance." -
FK+Coastermind Offline
hgey i had a question regarding Replacments. if a team replaces a player using a player from the list will that be announced in the draft topic or will it be made a new topic. i know this is kinda a selfish question but i just thought id ask.
FK+Coastermind -
laz0rz Offline
I remember last season you could sign up to get in the replacement list. Would this still be in effect this season? -
Corkscrewed Offline
I've edited my original post to include Iris's schedule so we have things consolidated and the forum doesn't get messy.
It should be in a new topic, although if you see the draft topic bumped all of the sudden, I'd check it out.hgey i had a question regarding Replacments. if a team replaces a player using a player from the list will that be announced in the draft topic or will it be made a new topic. i know this is kinda a selfish question but i just thought id ask.
We might just have a "free agency topic" instead where all pickups are listed in that topic.I remember last season you could sign up to get in the replacement list. Would this still be in effect this season?
EDIT: The answer, straight from Iris, is NO. Since you had your chance to sign up before the draft. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
im sure that there is a pattern for the scedual but it just looks random to me. my stupid eyes. looks like its going to be a great season(well its the first ive seen.)
FK+Coastermind -
postit Offline
Ah crap. I was gone and now can't participate. It's fine, though. I'm looking forward to this year, even if it will be from the sideline again. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Last season, we just kinda did it as each week came. I really dunno, and I doubt Iris will think that far.
HOWEVER, I can pretty assuredly say that you should budget an average of 1.5 real weeks per H2H week. This means you can expect the next deadline to be about 10 days after the previous one, so if you work on that estimate, you should be fine. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Site stats and archiving have been updated through week 2. I'm pretty sure people know what everyone's records, are but, in the votes department, the Tycoon Bandits lead the league in total votes and votes per game. Strangelove is right behind them in total votes, but because the Hurricanes have only played one game, ride6's team is third in votes per game.
Check the site for the actual stats.
http://newelement.co...H2H4/index.html -
Corkscrewed Offline
Blame Iris.
Everything's ready, he just needs to give me the ok to upload it. We had been waiting for the whole "admins can view who voted for what in a poll" feature to be reinstalled, but I *think* Adix wrote a script for that.
Adix? -
Akasha Offline
Everything's not ready. Cork, if you want...you TRY posting the POLL.
Well the parks are uploaded, but if you can't get the poll working, you could do a user vote, meaning everyone has to post to say who they vote for. (What a realisitc vs. fantasy matchup btw)
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