Released / Insular Insomnia by Todd Lee & Mama Bear
14-April 06
zodiac Offline
Oh my fucking god.
This took me about half an hour to look through, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The sheer enormity of this park is amazing, and how you still tucked in every little detail you could, whether the viewer could see it or not. The buildings were gorgeous, and many of them huuuge and very detailed. The ride interaction was very enjoyable, like at the end of Insane Insomnular where it does a turnaround over the mouse ride. Too many details to list, amazing job you guys, I love it. Make more. -
Mama Bear Offline
Would someone mind hosting this or emailing it too me please? RCTspace doesnt want to let me download it. Ive forgot my password to log in, sent to receive it in an email and it hasnt come through.
Would be greatly appreciated ive been looking forward to seeing this park for quite some time. Well done on finishing it you two.
For those that cannot get the park from RCTSpace: Get it HERE.
Mama Bear -
JDP Offline
It was decent, I feel that the coasters were weak and some things were odd. But over all I am not going to go on, I am just happy to see you guys finished it. Congrats!
-JDP -
Todd Lee Offline
Thanks Gwazi.
Being a judge, I'd love to hear what you thought of the park as you viewed it. Was there anything you really liked or disliked??
PM me if you'd like to. -
Gwazi Offline
Check your brochure. The paragraph on the second to last page (I think) of it has a paragraph from my review. That pretty much sums it up. -
eyeamthu1 Offline
I liked this park - it held my attention for quite a long time, and took me a good 15-20mins to get through. There are loads of great little details in there, which is even more impressive given the size of the park. It takes a long time to build a park this big, but keep the quality so high.
However - there were bits I didn't like. A comment above says it was way too cramped. I'd agree... to an extent. I almost think there was too much in there, when there didn't need to be. I mean, there are 2 Mine Train variants - and absolutely loads of coasters. It was almost too much.
But my biggest grip was to do with the coaster designs. Some were great - I loved the racing woodies for example, and the flyer was good. But these were the ones that were visible - too many of the coasters were shoved underground. When I looked at the layouts underground, they didn't look great. Some of these layouts just seemed like they would be so unenjoyable to ride; there were unbanked turns, sharp turns, and random, basic layouts. It was almost like 'this is gonna look bad above ground - so let's cover it up and have it underground.'
Overall, as I say, it held my attention for ages, which is very impressive, and I overall liked it, but I think the coasters in a way let it down a bit - this may be because you tried to put too much into this project, I'm not sure. Well done anyway for completing such a huge park!Edited by eyeamthu1, 21 May 2007 - 12:39 PM.
Mama Bear Offline
^I think he means the reverser. But that doesn't have banked curves, they are just not available.........Which makes sense: it was built in 1920 or so. (Same goes, btw, for the side-friction)
I would suggest to read the read-me. It gives you a lot of info on all the coasters(including the year they were built) and why and how they are where they are. Not to mention the park's full history. Since we built the entire park based on that same history it might explain a lot. It also explains why especially the first settlement is rather crammed as you call it. It only makes sense you know. In those days (around 1700) they just wanted to be close to each other for fast communication and such and also they built with the materials available and without an architect or so around. The first settlement tries to express that.........
Thanks everyone, for your kind reactions. The park took us quite some time to complete but we had a lot of fun building it and we hope that shows.
Also keep in mind that there are relatively few custom items in the park. Most definitely in no way comparative to nowadays benches. We decided to keep it that way and take the challenge to make something good of it anyway.
Same goes for hacks and the like. We limited that to the bone. (some zero clearance and making rides invisible excluded) We forced ourselves to use our imagination and believe me, it was great fun!
Mama Bear -
eyeamthu1 Offline
No, not the Reverser. (And I know that doesn't have banked turns) Scout's Delight for example. Firstly, the drop is pretty obscured anyway; but then I really didn't like the rest of the layout. It's pretty much all underground, and it's just turn, followed by turn, etc. Firestarer isn't so much underground, but again, it just seemed to be a load of turns lol. The banked turns thing was on Insane Train - but I kind of see what you were trying to do with that now... Anyway, it all comes down to opinion - personally, I like my coasters to be as realistic as possible, so don't have large segments underground, and I don't know, whilst viewing the park, I found some of the coasters to be too obscurred from view / hard to follow where the train was going. Hope that helps you understand my opinion more
But yeh, as I said before - I still really liked the park - it did keep my attention for ages!
Mama Bear Offline
Sorry for the late reaction, RL really took its toll lately and there were other things on my mind than RCT to tell you the truth......
About the coasters: first of all, I'm not (and don't intend to be!) a coaster expert. I built Scout's Delight. When I did there were two things I kept in mind: first: to make sure to keep excitement higher than intensity (something I learned from Jo (mommadragon) waaaay back when I only just began to built in RCT, which was only RCT 1 at that time) and second to make the coaster fit in with what we already had and the planned theming. That's why most of it is underground. We didn't have a coaster with a loop and I felt we could do with one. Peeps really seem to like it when you let the park run for some time, and that is another important factor why it is the way it is since I really like to please the peeps as much as possible in a park.
A lot of our coasters are partially underground since we both felt in this particular park we'd like the coasters not to stand out too much but really interact with the theming and landscape.
Insane Minetrain( I built that one too) had no banked turns on purpose since I intended it to be a "kiddie" coaster with rather low intensity. My challenge with this coaster was to keep intensity within tolerate rates without using banked turns and I think I succeeded....
As for Firestarter. That one is built by Todd. I must say I rather liked his hack on the lifthill and I also do like how the coaster develops further, but of course that is a matter of taste.
But I see what you mean, eyeamthu1, you probably liked the giga and the woodie better than.
Thanks for explaining and I'm glad you liked the park as such.
Mama BearEdited by Mama Bear, 19 June 2007 - 04:26 AM.
Carl Offline
I just like to add that Ive been playing with your wonderful park and after 3 park years, Im up to 2500 peeps and a perfect park rating (after a few minor path adjustments for the picky peeps who get lost easily) So great work! Your park has provided me hours of fun (And more to come)
Edited by ride_exchanger, 19 June 2007 - 01:41 PM.