(Archive) Advertising District / Indigo.
- 02-April 06
Trajan Offline
Nice idea w/ changing the cars to the steel coaster ones... it feels really natural. And for some reason, the simple architecture style you've got going there is really cool to me.
PBJ Offline
Egg... like this..
you force me to open open rct2 and make some park...
i sy this because this screen is very well done... i like the way the duo coaster goes over the other part of the track... i'm not a big fan of the Waterride... it looks out of place...
the pathing with objects is well doen so is the station... -
Xcoaster Offline
Nice. Great blend of textures, colors, and shapes. And the coasters look fun too. And the archy has some nice little details, but it's not over the top.
Great job. I'm looking forward to this. -
egg_head Offline
Thanks for the feedback guys, but it's sad that when i show a tiny screen that shows absolutely nothing everyone is replying and if i show something worth replying only a few do. -
Turtle Offline
I think that says something about the maturity level of these boards. Show a couple of cars fucking, replies aplenty.
I really like this screen. Like others have said, the building itself is really nice, and it's great that you've managed to make dull brown look good, something very few can do. The coasters look like they have their own space, which is one of the best things about good coasters, in my opinion. I can't wait to see more of this. -
matze Offline
reminds me of cop car chase ;-)
i agree with u, wick!
this screen is one of the best screens I´ve seen from u, yet.
but the latest screens from -x- are better
nee mal im ernst wenn du das fertig schaffst haste wirklich nen hervorragenden park gebaut. ich selbst möchte auch mal wieder so gut in der szene stecken wie du in diessem spiel.
wirklich respekt was du immer wieder für neue ideen bringst. ich würde mit dir sehr gerne einen park zusammen bauen. hoffe diesesmal klappt es, dann finde ich vielleicht auch wieder viel mehr lust an diesem spiel.
reden wir mal in msn darüber.
gruß muuuhEdited by matze, 07 April 2006 - 11:28 AM.
postit Offline
When I see work like this, Phatage's BGS, XCoaster's Disney Air, X250's new park, and that screen RCTFAN posted in the little things topic, I am positive we are entering a new age in RCT2. With this kind of work, parkmaking will be changed to the focus of every little detail, in addition to overall composition. I must say, I like this new trend. The screen is fantastic. Your work always seems near perfection to me. -
Dixi Offline
^lmao - Welcome to the future! ^_^
Nice screen, I dont bone off it as it looks shit near the bottom, but the coaster looks appealing - dont really care for the rest. -
Blitz Offline
Class my ass, jkay.
Cuz being a judgemental egoist is just SO classy...
Same goes for you other jackasses who jumped on that "maturity" kick.
Let me spel it out for you all: There's nothing mature about being condescending and acting above others. -
Evil WME Offline
But with that opinion, aren't you doing the exact same thing?
if it isn't mature to be 'more mature', then how does one become mature :s?
Though i see your point, when there's a constant need to prove your own maturity you're probably not there yet. If you want to tell people how to act all the time that annoys them, and i'm seeing that with a couple of my friends even though the 'immature ones' are definitely immature and the so supposed mature one does have points but in the end he does get annoying with his all-knowing knowledge speeches all the time. Anyways, on topic, this second screen is lovely, the building looks beautifully crafted. -
JKay Offline
blitz, I merely posted an opinion that I didn't like the concept due its lack of class. what makes something classy in RCT? Not two aliens humping.....period. Was that so out of line?
Maybe I've jumped on this so-called "maturity" kick, many have here at NE IMO, but it was an opinion and was never intended to degrade egg_head's skill level.
the latter screen is much classier, btw
good point WME. -
egg_head Offline
Ok, so i'll post a new one.
I cut the unfinished edges off
Can you spot the hidden ride?
egg. -
Marshy Offline
The water ride through the windows, nice.
I love the rustic effect it has, and the roofing is great.
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