General Chat / The Offical Photography Thread
19-March 06
Coasterking2k Offline
I enjoy a bit of photography now and then. I'm using a Pentax Optio 33WR digital camera, it's a small handheld that can shoot hours of video, do time lapse video and photography and has an awesome macro lens for a camera of it's size too.
Here are some of my images:
And one to demonstrate the macro lens (It goes even closer than this though!) -
penguinBOB Offline
i like the boat one. also, i think the one of the street could have turned out better if you had a shorter exposure so there would be more of a blur where the cars were. they're all pretty neat. -
JBruckner Offline
I was going to same the same, but for a different reason. The shorter exposure would of made the street seem less washed out. -
hobbes Offline
all those pictures are really neat. boat and lady bug are the best though, imo. -
Turtle Offline
I agree with those saying the boat one is fantastic. I love the colours, and the viewpoint. -
Coasterking2k Offline
i like the boat one. also, i think the one of the street could have turned out better if you had a shorter exposure so there would be more of a blur where the cars were. they're all pretty neat.
I would have done, but my camera is quite limited in it's exposure times. It's either automatic, or 4 seconds. That shot was taken on the 4 second setting. Unfortunately, anything else would have just captured the street as standard. I need a camera with more manual controls, should be getting one during the summer
Thanks for the comments, glad you enjoyed them. I'm most proud of the boat one myself. -
Coasterking2k Offline
Really like this one, has a nice angle to it. Something a bit different to the usual full body shots you see of people. -
Jellybones Offline
Here is my next set of pictures. We were supposed to focus on motion and depth of field on this one.
Had all kinds of problems here. My first roll of film only had about 3 pictures come out since my shutter broke, my second roll of film never advanced correctly so that was a waste, but my third roll worked. Then I had more problems making prints. So that's the reason some of these pictures are shit. I'm gonna clean the negatives and reprint some of these if I have time in class soon. -
hobbes Offline
The picture of the waterfall is great. Makes it appear that the rocks are breaking apart right there, crashing into the water below. I also like the third one with the plastic deer alot. Very creative.
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