General Chat / The Offical Photography Thread
19-March 06
JBruckner Offline
a lot is a place to park cars or build a house, not to be used in writing!
this is what fucking pisses me off. someone witha point a shoot can take a sharper image than my camera because i am gimped by my lense. this fucking sucks. mother ffuck. -
hobbes Offline
Yah, but I spent 1k on a camera, and I don't want to spend 1.2k on a lense. It makes me angry because he probably has a 500 dollar point and shoot and gets sharper pictures than I.
You mean me?
I'm using a Panasonic Lumix. Not exactly point-and-shoot, though it isn't the highest either. Obviously much less work-intensive to get the desired effect, but I'm not trying to be a photographer, I just enjoy photography. It's more of an artistic hobby/expression than a desired career.
My page has been updated with more photos. Nearly 60 in all.
Comments still appreciated. -
Cap'n Quack Offline
I took this picture.
Last duck season, my dad's gun blew up.
Looks like al Emer Fudd gun, doesn't it? -
Cap'n Quack Offline
I think he had a few old shells. Probably something got stuck in it, then another shot Elmer Fudd'd it. -
ƒirst?ay Offline
Not really an experienced photographer at all, but just getting into things. Here's a few I just took on holiday around East America...I felt so embarassed about my british accent I put an American one on
Statue of Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg, PA
Top of a War Memorial at Arlington Cemetaries, VA
Cherry Blossom & Washington MonumentEdited by ƒirst?ay, 31 March 2006 - 08:58 PM.
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