Theme Park Discussion / Roller Coaster Jeopardy

  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo
    What is Iron Wolf at SFGAm.

    ^^My bad... wrong Corkscrew.

  • JKay%s's Photo
    Acefanatic is correct.

    Last one for today

    Question #8

    A part of a train that is generally a flat piece of steel with a nylon or rubber surface that is attached to the train and placed underneath the track or to keep the train from flying off. If the [blank] comes in contact with the track due to the train rising from negative g-forces it will slide along the track and prevent the train from rising any further.
  • ChillerHockey33%s's Photo
    What is an Upstop Wheel/Plate(as used on early arrows)?


    Edited by ChillerHockey33, 13 March 2006 - 04:51 PM.

  • Dixon Steele%s's Photo
    What is an upstop.

    Bollocks, too slow.

    Edited by Dixon Steele, 13 March 2006 - 04:51 PM.

  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    Upstop! crap. Just saw they got it.

    Edited by HandyAndyG, 13 March 2006 - 05:01 PM.

  • Enigmatic%s's Photo
    What is quit doing this crap and make your blocky parks with fucked up coasters themed to sweets?
  • ChillerHockey33%s's Photo
    Or you could let us have fun and ignore it.

  • JKay%s's Photo
    Chillerhockey is correct

    Question #9

    In 1873, this was the first ride to form a complete circuit

  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Having done no research...
    What is the Mauch Chunk Switchback railway?
  • JKay%s's Photo
    hobbes is correct

    Question #10

    Spain, France, Mexico, United States, Confederacy and Republic represent this
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    What is Six Flags over Texas?
  • JKay%s's Photo
    chapelz is correct, although it represents the entire Six Flags company and not just SFOT.

    Question #11

    A situation where a coaster train stops outside the station for some reason.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    Not quite sure, since I don't think this applies to block brakes:
    What is a valley?
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    What is a breakdown?
    What is a Mid-Course-Breakerun?
    What are Blockbrakes?
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Nope, nope, nope and nope. This one's not as easy. It's more of an industry term I think. A few more guesses, then I'll reveal it.
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    What is a Fishhook?
    I know it's not :p
  • Rollercoaster FREAK%s's Photo
    What is stalling?
  • tyandor%s's Photo
    Roll Back
  • JKay%s's Photo
    All nopes again. lol. This one was probably too difficult, but I just had to stump you guys at least once.

    The answer is "What is a Set-up?"

    Question #12

    A term used to describe a half-corkscrew inversion element on Bolliger and Mabillard inverted roller coasters
  • tyandor%s's Photo


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