General Chat / The Future Architects' Thread
04-March 06
gir Offline
I think there's no better place to put this? This isn't for anything, it's just for fun with SketchUp and rendered quickly in Kerkythea.
It's meant to be a new dorm. So yeah it's not complete, these are the only two sides I've worked on and there's currently no roof, etc. What do you people think? -
penguinBOB Offline
took a semester off school and did an internship with a company that manufactures louvers, penthouses, screen walls, and sunshades (what i worked on) amongst other products. did structural calcs for attaching them into the customer's structure.
for reference for you guys, it's best for those things to connect to steel or concrete and will require extra time (or might not even work) if they attach to masonry, wood or cmu.
i will graduate in may '11 with a bs in civil and architectural engineering (emphasis structures). i plan on attending gradschool to continue my education in structural engineering. my dream job to be to work hand in hand with architects on large scale projects, providing them with structural information and possible (technical or otherwise) design solutions.Edited by penguinBOB, 22 January 2010 - 01:16 PM.
MF72 Offline
Well, I'm thinking about going into architecture once I go into college. I've taken some CAD classes at my school and I find them to be a lot of fun, especially when working with floor plans and the like. -
robbie92 Offline
Update on my quest to become an architect:
I've been accepted to both Illinois Tech and Tulane's Honor Program. Illinois Tech's program is more prestigious, and runs off of principles created by Mies Van der Rohe, while Tulane is a 5 year's MArch. I'm visiting IIT in a few weeks to interview for a full-tuition scholarship there, and going to Tulane in April. Any current architects knowledgable in national programs have any recommendations on this? -
Cena Offline
Update on my quest to become an architect:
I've been accepted to both Illinois Tech and Tulane's Honor Program. Illinois Tech's program is more prestigious, and runs off of principles created by Mies Van der Rohe, while Tulane is a 5 year's MArch. I'm visiting IIT in a few weeks to interview for a full-tuition scholarship there, and going to Tulane in April. Any current architects knowledgable in national programs have any recommendations on this?
What does all the words mean you are calling? I am from the Netherlands and I have no clue how your system in the US works ...
For me;
I have been wanting to become an architect my entire life, basically since I was able to play with K'nex, I made a lot of machines with that (including fun fair rides). After doing a small stage at my uncle's architects office, I went thinking of other things ... Now I am planning on doing technical engineering, which gives me more options in what to become really, you can compare it with being an architect, but then not with houses/buildings, but with machines. (That kinda explains why I like to hack rct2 so much instead of building many buildings). -
turbin3 Offline
Today my internship as an Architect begins.(2 weeks long)
Edited by Turbin3, 25 January 2010 - 01:18 AM.
Roomie Offline
Not quite on topic but close enough not to start a new thread. But i see London is finally getting a building taller than Canary Wharf. Londons skyline has always been a bit crap "the shard" as its known looks pretty cool
http://www.skyscrape...Tower_pic11.jpg -
Coaster Ed Offline
Reminds me of the new WTC building. Looks like they're trying too hard to be futuristic I think ( in both cases), but I suppose it is something different. -
robbie92 Offline
So, just an update on my journey to architecture school...
I recently received a full-tuition scholarship to Illinois Tech in Chicago for their 5-year bArch program, so I'm going to be an architecture student in Chicago! The program itself seems really exciting, with some remnants of Miesian/Bauhaus stuff, so it'll be an interesting experience.
For the other prospective class of 2010 architects, how's it going for you? -
AustinPowers Offline
hey Roomie...London is actually adding several skyscrapers...I really like the Shard. There is also Heron Tower, the Pinnacle (which would be the tallest), the Walkie Talkie (though this one might have been canceled).
Robbie, that's cool you got into IIT with a full-ride. Congrats! Only advice I have for you there is not to get caught up with the whole bauhaus/mies/corb obsession. They were alright...and famous because they were consistent...but they were also in a completely different time that should not apply to now. Professors get so latched on to the old that its hard to appreciate the fast paced, rapidly changing landscape and society we now live in. The Bauhaus was at heart a revolution against what was blindly accepted as 'good' architecture.....but now architects and professors make the same mistake...they've made shut down their vision to blindly accept an old aesthetic in the Bauhaus work. -
Splitvision Offline
I've applied for two different 5-year long architectural programs at Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, a highly regarded university in Sweden, and from what I've heard, around the world too. One of the programs is simply called "architecture" and focuses on design and the aesthetic aspects. The other is called "architecture and technology" and offers a mix of engineering and designing. I'm mostly hoping for the latter since I'm interested in both aspects of architecture, but if I manage to get a spot in either of them I'll be more than happy. The competition is really hard and you've got to have good high school grades or else do an "university test". Luckily my grades aren't too shabby and I've scored good on the test too, so I think I have a chance -
robbie92 Offline
Thanks for the kind words AP. I've actually chosen Tulane as my choice, mainly because of their City Center program and URBANbuild, as well as the studio environment. Plus, New Orleans is ripe w/ opportunity for architects, and is a wonderful place to live overall. -
AvanineCommuter Offline
Hi guys,
I've just decided this past year that I want to pursue architecture as a career, but the school I'm currently at doesn't have an BArch, only a BA in Architectural Studies or Urban Studies. I'm thinking I might just have to go grad school for architecture... any tips of how to prepare to apply? I know I need a good GPA, I need to take the GREs, and make a good profolio. Anything I'm missing? Anything I should be doing?
I'm a 2nd semester sophomore ATM. -
MF72 Offline
Well, as of right now, I have both the GPA and ACT score to get into University of Michigan and I plan to pursue the architecture program there. I'm not exactly sure what major to take out of the arch. possibilities, but that's where I'm really aiming to go. -
Wanted Offline
I'm a junior at the moment and I plan to major in something related to civil/mechanical engineering and minor in something related to architecture at San Jose State. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
@AvanineCommuter-- I believe that should be about it. I'll be starting the application process for grad schools soon too, assuming I end up going for that.
That said, only more semester till I'm done here at GT with an arch degree. Still undecided on if grad school will happen. Right now it really depends on if I can get a job or not, preferably doing park things. Right now I have a design internship in the amusement park industry for this summer, so if I can turn that into a job, then I'll be happy... -
5dave Offline
Hey guys!
Just read through the whole topic. Really interesting stuff there.
Since I didn't got accepted at a university of applied sciences with graphic design (over 1000 applicants and only 60 slots per semester) I thought about doing architecture on another uni instead.
Now I'm not sure if it's really my cup of tea. You know - I always loved architecture, otherwise I wouldn't be here I suppose. But I'm afraid of complex maths and such. I'm more into designing and math really wasn't my cup of tea.
So is the focus on designing/theory/modelling stuff or a lot on maths/calculations and such?
I think I just try it out.
"MFG" -
Austin55 Offline
I'm a junior in high school and Architecture is really something that interests me. Im really undecided at this point on what I want to try and pursue, but yea. Ive been talking to Robbie on MSN and it all sounds like stuf I would be interested in. Like 5dave though (^) Im pretty horrible at math and stuff.
I'll be taking a Autocad based Architecture class next semester at my high school,so hopefully that will help me with some stuff.
Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions for someone considering?
Can someone help explain what the differences in all these programs are, and what would possibly be the best route? Like, they have classes for Architectural Design, Architectural Drafting, Architecture and Architectural Engineering. Whats the difference? -
tdub96 Offline
Actually, I was led away from a career in achitecture by Penn State. It featured their archy program in with the arts, plays, music, etc. That was the turn off for me, but I'm on to civil engineering now. I can't really explain the difference in all those specifically tho...
As for CAD, lots of fun in that. Its not stressful like a normal class and helps those who can't draw at all, me, draw. Those types of classes really help out with a career in these fields as workers perform tasks on CAD a lot when designing structures. I also took an architectural drawing course in 10th grade in which we used CAD for the first semester drawing machine parts and things, then in the second we did it all by hand. for the last 9-week period we designed our own houses,indoors and out, using freehand and CAD, and that was pretty sweet. So definetly take a class like that if offered at your school.
Hope this helped a bit.
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