(Archive) Advertising District / RCTBubble

  • WorldShowcaseLagoon%s's Photo
    Hi there! I'm here to advertise my site, RCTBubble.
    Let's get right to the link.
    Sure it's InvisionFree, and I know you're going to say it sucks, but at least give it your time to look at it.
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Not only is it InvisionFree, but you're also using IPBDynamic Lite, which makes it just about as easy as possible to make a website. On top of that, you haven't even bothered to make your own images for the site's logo, navigation bars, or poll bars. The colors are overpowering, and the text is hard to read.

    Keep working at it, but you've got a long way to go.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    Ok, first off, it's better to have an active community at your forum/site before you show it off. Right now there are only 6 topics and all of them are yours

    Second, pick a good name before you launch the site. RCTBubble? What kind of name is that?

    Third, it's also good to pick a coherent color scheme before you start off. One eye-burning color and nothing else will turn people off.

    Overall, you definately need to make some changes.
  • WorldShowcaseLagoon%s's Photo
    How am I supposed to get an active community without showing it off?
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    A good way to do that is by PMing, e-mailing, or IMing your friends about the site. If they like it, they will join and tell other people about it. Of course, if they don't like it, they will tell you and make suggestons on how to make it better. That way, you can tell a wider audience about your site when you are completely happy with it.
  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    Well, you could start by improving the forums. Then you could add a couple of interesting contests. Your website has to be somewhat unique in an interesting way if you want anybody to go there. Get people over there who enjoy your work, and then once you have a good sized community, advertize it here with a detailed description highlighting the high points of your website. If you really want people to go to your website, have a contest with lots of money.

    Edited by HandyAndyG, 01 March 2006 - 06:59 PM.

  • WorldShowcaseLagoon%s's Photo
    Well, from one of the forums I advertised at they like GVA, so they might join.
  • WorldShowcaseLagoon%s's Photo
    So, how many members do you think i should have before I do a big advertising thing?
  • laz0rz%s's Photo

    So, how many members do you think i should have before I do a big advertising thing?

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    About 50-100. And make sure they're active members, not just people who register to vote in the polls.
  • RMM%s's Photo
    Haha 50-100? I doubt NE has that many here. No1 plays no more really.
  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    Yeah, he's pretty much right. There are far fewer people playing RCT still. Half the community has left since I first got here under a different name.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    Ok then how about just 50?


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