(Archive) Advertising District / Lake-A-Palooza

  • laz0rz%s's Photo

    Thank you very much for showing two of the most generic pieces of trash I've ever seen.  THEY'RE FIREWORKS.  WHAT THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO SAY, OOH FLOWERY???

    8@  8@

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    It's a fireworks show, not a park, what did you expect? And why did you need to post twice?

    I think it looks nice. Out on the water and all.
  • Enigmatic%s's Photo
    Because you touch yourself at night, chunky.
  • WorldShowcaseLagoon%s's Photo
    Thank you lazor.
    As for you Enigmatic, I'm going to be the bigger person here by just plain ignoring your immature comments. I'm sorry you can't wrap your mind around the possibility of being mature.


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