(Archive) Advertising District / Bridge Blitz

  • WorldShowcaseLagoon%s's Photo
    Hola! I'm announcing the first ever NE fireworks show! This show will be 10 minutes long, and the finalie will be an unknown amount! First, before I show anything, I'm going to do a fast run-down of the plot.

    I. Main Show
    A. White/Silver
    B. Green/Purple
    C. Red/Blue
    D. Light Show
    II. Finalie
    A. Fuse gets lit, travels along blowing bridge up.
    B. Fuse gets lit agian, travels back to barge, blowing barge up with 1,000 FX.
    C. Lake just lights up with another 1,000 FX.
    D. Lake "fills" with oil, fuse on back tower travels down, hits lake, blowing the hell out of the lake. And yes, another 1,000 FX!

    And that's the SHORT version of the plot. The full version takes up a whole sheet of paper. No screens, you just get a short trailer. But because this show is so awesome, and I want you guys to have a good first impression of it, I will take a FRESH video of it, and have it up in this topic tonight. And guess what, because I am using custom scenery that will change with the color schemes, I can have 5 diffrent shows for each color scheme and the finalie. So, the choice is up to you. What color scheme would you like to see a video of? It has to be one of the color schemes, not the finalie or the light show. Begin voting. I will come back around 7 to see you choice. Now, begone knaves!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Hmmm, maybe you ARE SU182. :lol:

    No screens, no topic.


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