General Chat / Johnny Damon is No Longer My Homeboy

  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    "Our policy with the Yankees is to go out and win, and we're going to try to bring another championship to them. They haven't had a championship since Chuck Knoblauch was there when they had a great leadoff hitter so I think the leadoff role has been underappreciated. A good leadoff hitter is tough to find and I think New York just found the best leadoff hitter in the game."

    Nice haircut, faggot.

    After Damon's fucking choke job down the stretch this year, I'm not too worried about him leaving, though. And he throws like a girl. Seriously.

    Enjoy New York, asshole.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    I was waiting for a Bostonian to do this.

    Yankees buy that championship team every year. Which makes it all the more fun to root for them to choke (well, they have over the past five years).
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Um us screw up always. :rolleyes:

    Edited by sfgadv02, 21 December 2005 - 07:52 PM.

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    haha, people getting bent out of shape over baseball. Lollerskates.

    baseball is a GAY sport anyway. Just ask george carlin.
  • MPower%s's Photo
    Ever since he left the A's he became gay.


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