General Chat / Fun With Dick and Jane

  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Exclusive Trailer/Clips

    I think it looks like it might be pretty funny, and I'm not a huge fan of Jim Carrey.
    Anyone else interested?
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Looks like it will be a nice comedy.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Anyone see the original/know if it's a copy of it or modernized and way off compared to the real one.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    They really should NOT have remade this will only pander to the stupid 18-24 somethings who think JC is still cool......those of us in the "know" will laugh at the sheer stupidity of it cannot remake this film......much the way most of Hollywood cannot remake itself.

    And this comes from someone "in" the business.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    people need to stop remaking movies and make some of their own. there've been too many damn remakes, lately.
    with that said, it looks like fun.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Mere, I don't care if people remake movies as long as they are good. Look at King Kong, I saw the original and I have seen the new one, both are brilliant. And you being "in" the buisness doesn't validate your opinion.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo

    Mere, I don't care if people remake movies as long as they are good.  Look at King Kong, I saw the original and I have seen the new one, both are brilliant.  And you being "in" the buisness doesn't validate your opinion.

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    Actually J confirms a long trend in Hollywood.....this coming from the guy who just came off the 3rd remake of Invasion of The Body DOES validate my opinion, when someone who is around this in a professional way says that it is time for new ideas......the film I worked on before this?.....a remake of Fame.........I am sick to death of what seems to be a lack of innovation in the field of film......sad, but, J, my opinion as in "insider" (and before you get terribly clever with that one....let's just set the record straight that I use that term only as a bullshit monicker) actually DOES mean something.

    BTW......PJ's King Kong......was phenomenal!!!

    There......the hypocrite has spoken!!!
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Oh, what I thought you said was that all remakes were horrible. Misunderstanding.
    And wait, a new Invasion of the Bodysnatchers?!?!? I agree with you on some levels, but I really don't have a problem with some remakes if they are good. I really liked Ocean's 11 (not 12, that was horrible), and I am sure there are others which I am forgetting. Anyways, we should both be off to bed.

    You seen BBM yet?
    P.S. I edited this post atleast ten times.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    "And wait, a new Invasion of the Bodysnatchers?!?!? "

    Yes, and if I say anymore I'll have to kill you.

    Going to bed now...leaving for Germany and Disneyland Paris in 12 hours.

    Good night!
  • Micool%s's Photo
    There's only one answer...Garden State...

    Sad really...
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    mere... i think it's more like, no one in the industry is doing - or wants to do - anything risky. At all.

    I blame the overly insecure state of the market. It's the wrong climate right now for adventurous filmmaking (though I'd still like some right about now).

    There's also another factor, in that, everything costs so much more now, with all the new technology. It's become more of an arms race, so to speak. So in a way, no one is taking any risks because they can't find a producer willing/brave enough to foot the huge bill.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    I don't know.....Brokeback Mountain seems fairly adventurous and that was made for only 12.5 million.

    I think that too often, studio execs get involoved in the creative process, and most of the time have no business doing so.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    well, it seems likely that movie was pandering towards a demographic, if you will.

    But you are right, execs need to stay out of the creative process.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Jeeze, it was 14million! Get your numbers right. :p
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Hmm.....according to Variety and the Reporter, it came in at 12.5.....where'd you get 14 from?
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    BoxOfficeMojo which is normally correct.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Tropical Malady.

    And i'm afraid I actually laughed when the trailer went "FUN WITH DICK!......and jane"
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    looks re-dick & jane-ulous
  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    Don't care about the movie really, but a random fact is the guy who plays trumpet in the theme song or something in that movie was my old trumpet teacher for my formative years....haha, something new you learn every day
  • Zooby%s's Photo
    Just saw this last night. Very funny movie, but sometimes they take it too far and it isn't funny in some of the scenes. Although, Jim Carey always makes it funny by his odd behavior. My favorite part was when he was robbing the fat guy who gave him a job offer. Funny stuff, I was crying it was so funny. :)

    Edited by Zooby, 22 December 2005 - 02:52 PM.


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