(Archive) Advertising District / Hi Everyone!
07-October 05
Beejer Offline
How the hell are you guys? It's been a while for me! Damn I miss this shit. Hope eveyone is doing well. My free time has been cut drastically tending to family biz, but every chance I get, you know I'm RCTin' it!
The real down side is that it's taking me forever to finish this park, considering I used to finish them between 2 to 3 months on average. Now . . . f#%k. A couple hours a week is all I usually get, and I think I started this park sometime in June.
I'd say it's approx. 30% completed which means a few more months of RCT construction. Anyway, I just wanted to "show my face", let you all know I'm still alive and perhaps give you guys a peek at my newest!
Take care all
Beejer -
makonix Offline
looks quite interesting, I would probably suggest to play more with the landscape, and create a bit of interaction between the landsacpe, the structures, and the rides -
TWX Offline
interetsing way of theming, everything is so huge... I like smaller more compact scenery and stuff... but thats just me....
Jazz Offline
No one may agree with me on this, but I hate it.
It's always the same thing in all of your parks; insane, extrememly large, wacky structures. I just find it very unappealing and ugly, it's all so monotonous and awkward. It's also over-filled with custom scenery too.
It's not my cup of tea, really. -
Ge-Ride Offline
There's nothing wrong with large structures or custom scenery. However, you do have a great point about the landscaping. -
Phatage Offline
I do agree with jazz to a certain extent because we've seen this from you before and it doesn't appear as if you took any steps foward since your last park, but then I'm also with everyone else just because your style is so different. Maybe if you showed these screens a month later I would have been happier. -
Jazz Offline
There is a problem with that when that is all you do in your parks.There's nothing wrong with large structures or custom scenery
Ge-Ride Offline
Oh. Then I suggest that you use more detailed scenery and I STRONGLY suggest that you work on those roller coaster layouts. It's what some people call robbing peter to pay paul. It's interesting, but I didn't realize that all you made was these large structures. If you look closely, all of the structures in that bottom screen aren't very detailed. And out of curiosity, why are there shrubs in the third screen? There's no air on the moon. Also, that last screen doesn't look a whole lot like the moon. I got to start looking at these screens closely. -
Ride6 Offline
^The blue glass things with pathing in them are greenhouse tunnels, of course.
Personally I would've like it better if you'd waited and finished the screens before posting them but even so they're amazing. I sense something here on the epic and random scale riviling Cydonia City, which will be very heathy for the game.
ride6 -
inVersed Offline
Woah Beejer's back... I thought you were gone man, could to see your still around building, not you best work but still quality beejer nontheless -
Beejer Offline
Mantis: Thank you!
Makonix: Thank you, and I will strive for more interaction.
TWX: Thank you!
Jazz: Thank you for stating your opposition.
Phatage: Thank you for acknowledging those going against the grain.
Handy Andy G: Thank you! As for my coaster layouts . . . unlike most, I utilize the charted graphs specs and edit accordingly. I always try to attain a nausea level not higher than "medium" which translates to approx a 5.09 rating. I rarely build anything that's over 6.00 (the low end of "high" nausea). The plants shown in the last screen are artificial. And lastly, what moon has the look you want?
Ride 6: Thank you and ya, I'm sorry for a low-level preveiw, it's just that it's been a while since I posted anything, and will be quite a while before this gets done!
inVersed: Thank you and yes, I'm still around!
Thank you everyone for your feedback. Good and bad comments are always heard!
Beejer -
ekimmel Offline
Those structures are pretty mind boggling. They need some good landscaping to compliment them. -
Levis Offline
the closer the screen the worser the screer.
but from a distance it looks pretty nice.
Xenon Offline
This is awesome. It's certainly creative and the colors remind me of cbass's work. I hardly ever see good large structures. -
elby Offline
if u weren't bejeer,id say,that you copied him XD
all your parks have the typical bejeer-athmosphere,and a real...how to say...feeling of giantism(<-does this word exist?)
great work,you show here,your efford you have put into this deserves every post
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