(Archive) Advertising District / Lands of the Balder
04-October 05
KINGda ka Offline
I've began a new park... rolleyes.gif
After I losed my inspiration for Paradise of Gold (that's still under construction) ... I had enormous inspiration for a new one... LANDS OF THE BALDER!!!
Here are some screens.
guesthouse with the Ticketbooths
Parking lot...
Hope you like it... but it's not a solo park, I work with two other people on it... but I'm only working alone in the scenariomaker, when I'm done they'll help! -
ChillerHockey33 Offline
^ Its not photobucket's fault..He just didnt post the real link, he posted a shortened version...
-Ryan -
inVersed Offline
The Detailing looks pretty solid, however, I would recommend that you work on the building stucture so that it is less blocky. -
Coaster Ed Offline
This is probably just splitting hairs, but I would suggest that what you have right now is an entrance gate and a parking lot. You don't have a park yet, not until you build some rides and walkways and buildings. Maybe you should have a park before you advertise for one? Or at least explain to us why the park is called Lands of the Balder and what ideas you've got for it that have you so excited.
(I'm not trying to discourage you. I like that you feel inspired to start another park and I hope you finish it. I just would have liked it better if you built something more before you started posting screenshots. This could really be anything at this point, and many a "park" have started with entrance gates and parking lots and never progressed much further. Let's not put the chicken before the egg here.) -
Xenon Offline
Interesting way to make road lines using that art deco block. I don't particularly like the footpaths in the first screen. Maybe a brown tarmac with a light colored path would work a lot better. -
cg? Offline
Balder is the Norse god of joy, innocence, and beauty. Not sure if that's the meaning intended here, however.
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