(Archive) Advertising District / Creekwood Themepark

  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Hello. I've brought my other projects to a hault for a while to start my new project. It's named Creekwood Themepark. I'm going for a nice relaxing park theme. In the first pic you see the carousel and a glimpse of Storm. in the second pic you see the coaster and carousel again with a glimpse of Freefall. My non working custom ride. Anyways enjoy or not. :p



  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    <sigh> Another topic in the AD that's posted just to post something. Completely worthless, IMO. Both screens are lacking in any depth whatsoever and look like they could've been pulled together in a matter of two minutes. Please take your time and advertise a park that will be finished, and have actual stuff to show.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    i like the awnings.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    Eh your archy is plain and very flat land man.
  • yyo%s's Photo
    Looks familiar somehow.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    i like it for some reason, i know it didn't take any skillz to make; i just like it.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    Looks familiar somehow.


    needs yellow flowers
  • posix%s's Photo

    Looks familiar somehow.

    it's nice to have a true fan, isn't it?
  • RMM%s's Photo

    Looks familiar somehow.


    ............. cool parkmaker. cool.
  • Shamu%s's Photo
    It lacks originality. It reminds me of apples for some reason. And wood.
  • inVersed%s's Photo

    It lacks originality.  It reminds me of apples for some reason.  And wood.

    no way, applewood looks a ton better compared to this shit.
    Eh Though it appears that he bit some concepts and colors from yyo hence yellow sky ride thing at bottom of 2nd screen.
  • RMC%s's Photo
    You got some true balls showing this. I wouldn't of shown anything b/c im to scared to be critacised(sp).
  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    Three words:



  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Yeah, Rhynos is right. The landscape isn't very amazing, though it's very realistic.
    The paths as roofs is a good beginning^^
    But I can't argue neutrally (<---?) because I usually can't stand RCT1 parks even if they're made with LL o.O
  • inVersed%s's Photo

    You got some true balls showing this. I wouldn't of shown anything b/c im to scared to be critacised(sp).

    You shouldnt be afraid of critism, man... its the only way you'll ever at improve at RCT or anything man.
  • TWX%s's Photo
    Eww... That looks like you stole it from the "campaign" maps lol...
  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Hi. Construction has been going slow with the park, but I still have something to show. Here are some screens of the new shuttle loop coaster named Outback:



    Thanks to ImageShack for hosting:
  • ekimmel%s's Photo
    Trees are all too similar in color. And that wavy gray roof doesn't look very good.

    I see you varied you ground color a little, which is good. Need to do that some more.
  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Any comments suggestions?
  • Xenon%s's Photo
    Well when you take screenshots of your park turn the grid lines off. It just makes the pics look more realistic. Uhh there's not much to say; it seems like a very generic park. See if you can get in some good theming.


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