(Archive) Advertising District / Something Inspired This Way Comes
06-September 05
JBruckner Offline
you are far too vague.
You are even more ridiculous than I thought if that is truly what you think.......typical of you Glitch....lol, you are so predictable.
this is all good fanfair for your topic, though. -
Meretrix Offline
This topic is through at this site. A mod could kindly close it now, as I've no intent of continuing my RCT3 life here.
I'll see you all in the Basic Chat forum in the morning where we can all discuss Tom Delay's filleting!!!!
Good times, to be sure!!! -
tracidEdge Offline
Just let it go, meretrix. If they have an problems with your work, than so be it. and continue posting here.
Meretrix Offline
I'm not stopping this park.....go to the Atari forums and keep tabs on its' progress.
And....3....2...1....and this topic is closed! -
PBJ Offline
i don't wanne be a prick on this...but keep posting and give someone the finger!
i mean, you are building for yuour own fun not for me nor him nor someone. this park is YOUR project.
but i saw alot of it. and this a great (read one of the best) parks made (read in production) at this moment!
here on NE is like 90% rct 1 and 2 . 10% is rct3... rct is rct and ne is one of the rct site's in the world. and rct3 belongs here... and if this is rct it belongs here. if you want to post it here ofcourse!
again i don't deside what you must do and what not... but 'd like to see more of this park!
-PBJ -
flmscor Offline
This thread perfectly illustrates why I don't really visit or post here that often anymore.
1. There's just too much jealousy-fueled baiting and flaming.
2. RCT1 & 2 are boring to me now that I've seen the future. It may not be perfect yet, but being able to fully experience you parks in RCT3 makes up for the lag and lack of scenery.
While many of the peeps (n00bs) on the Atari boards are new to the franchise, they are - for the most part - a lot more polite and helpful in their comments and criticsisms than the peeps on NE.
NE is sort of turning into NASA - a group of the some of the best minds and talent, that has become so wrapped up in it's own culture, that it can't really be effective anymore. Turning a blind eye to the outside groups that are making leaps and bounds over it, while insisting on hanging on to the past and refusing to accept new developements and procedures is a recipe for extinction.
It's truly unfortunate how Trix is being treated here. Seriously - after all he's done for the art of RCT. The ignorance is astounding and disappointing.
Trix, I'll look for your park on the Atari boards. What's the thread link, if you've posted it yet? I spend almost all of my RCT3 internet time there, reading the 2000 odd posts in the Custom Scenery thread, trying to learn how to help improve the game. -
Aeroglobe Offline
On ride view of that woodie looks beautiful.Please, keep us posted... don't let a few who don't like it stop you from showing our whole forums.
][ntamin22 Offline
this is fantastic. The entrance area looks really good, and that woodie just has the look of a classic. the pink&blue on the entrance plaza seems a tad out of place, but the tower thing is absolutely amazing. nice thought for the bus parking as well. -
Meretrix Offline
Aaack....someone...Corky, Iris, anyone....close this..........it's not gonna happen folks....to catch the RCT3 wave.....head over to the Atari forums.......I've no patience to educate those stuck in the dark ages.
If you like the park and want to see its' progress then go to the dark side.....ATARI FORUMS....granted you'll get to see a lot of shite....but you'll also get to see some of the most incredible parkmaking going on right now. -
Meretrix Offline
And you apparently are far too much of an asshole for this site.you are far too cool for this site.
Kisses! -
JBruckner Offline
touche. i fit right in.And you apparently are far too much of an asshole for this site.
kisses though. -
PBJ Offline
^je draagt zeker geen oranje bandje? Respect2All
rct is rct en daar mee uit! en hoe slecht sommige RCT3 vinden maakt geen ruk uit! ik bedoel, het hoort hier thuis!
helaas gaat dit op slot maar ik zou iedereen de vinger geven en dan lekker door gaan voor iedereen die het wel kan waarderen!!!
ik vind het gewoon achtelijk dat 1 iemand begint te zeiken en dat dan de ander gelijk stopt! oke ieder zijn keuze... en respect voor Meretrix voor zijn keuze... alleen vind ik het heel erg zonde!!!!
(sorry fot the dutch.. . Evil will understand it (hopefully)
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