(Archive) Advertising District / Something Inspired This Way Comes
06-September 05
jon Offline
The first screens of RCT3 that I've actually liked. The layout of that giga looks brilliant and the building in the last screen looks good. These screens make me want to play the game actually. Good job. -
Milo Offline
The one thing I don't like about the screens you just posted is how broken up the tunnel appears. It looks kind of weird. The new Behemoth is great too. I love how it seems sunken in the ground on that side view of it. -
Meretrix Offline
To answer the last two posts. the tunnel is weird until the tops and bottoms of that scenery group are released. Once JCat gets those pieces made, I'll add them in, to make a complete tunnel.
As for the supports, some are harder to navigate than others, and you definitely need to think outside the box when trying to create something that "might" exist in real life. But in the end, the effect is SOOOOOOO worth it. -
Scorchio Offline
I agree with what Meretix says - those broken tunnel peices DO look really strange. Why not just remove them until the final set has come out? -
Wolfman Offline
I think a great explaination of the mountaintop waterfalls is that the hot springs,(which are predominantly heated by lava,) has found an old lava tube via rock fissures, and have now flooded the crater to overflowing.Where is the water in the waterfalls coming from? That annoys me, probably even more now it's in a 3D environment. You have the capactity to make amazing, true-to-life landscapes. Please use it.
If this has been addressed, sorry, I only got as far as P. 2 here. -
Wolfman Offline
It may be off topic, and it may even seem stupid, but why is everyone so stupid-paranoid about copying each other? Seems to me if a coaster company invented the virtical loop, and a handfull of others adapted that idea, I would feel complimented. Not pointing the finger and acting childish taunting "You-u co-pied! You-u co-pied!" It's time to act like mature people here and stop the fingerpointing.
hehe, trying to copy corky?Four new screens are about to be posted. I must say...this place seems a tad dead now.....maybe I'll wait for a few months before showing anything else....but then again, by that time, I'll be ready to release the park.....kisses!
If you have to point something out, just say it's got "tones" of someone else's works, or that is seems "insired" by so & so. "Copying" is a negative accusation and sometimes it lowers both parties to substandard levels. It has no room in this creative environment.
Sorry for the double post but they were both on different subjects. -
JKay Offline
^um, you totally missed the point there. meretrix was not being accused of actually copying corky, but pulling a "WDE". You might try reading the entire thread before posting half-cocked
Pretty cool stuff you have here 'trix. I really like that woodie so far. Can't wait to see how the theming turns out. Aren't you at all worried about performance issues with this park? -
Wolfman Offline
^um, you totally missed the point there. meretrix was not being accused of actually copying corky, but pulling a "WDE". You might have figured that out if you read the entire thread before posting half-cocked
Pretty cool stuff you have here 'trix. I really like that woodie so far. Can't wait to see how the theming turns out. Aren't you at all worried about performance issues with this park?
Well, half-cocked or not, (BTW: I'll thank you to leave my sex life out of this, LOL!) it's not just on this topic, situation or this particular instance, but all over the place. It's one of the things that has driven me away from NE. It sounds so "grade school". It's as if these members can't get along.
BTW: I did manage to finish the thread, and I may not of understood the reply to it. But it doesn't excuse the behavior I've found elsewhere. I think you'll agree that it gets tedious & boring to have to wade through such childish accusations while trying to keep abreast of the topic of intrest. Especially when it's about something as insignificant as the time space between submitted images, (if I managed to get that right?)
Again, sorry to errupt the thread about it but I've had enough. It's just that I simply spoke up about it here. Move it, delete it, I don't care, I just had to get it off my back.
Also, Just looking at that steel gega coaster makes me feel sick. Great lookin' spine, (layout) but the helex at the far end should be higher up to slow the trains, what kind of virtical G's is pullin' there? 3 or 4? -
Phatage Offline
I'm really inclined to ask your age after that post, particularily the part about thinking that a giovanola hyper pulling 3-4 g's on a helix is a lot.
I'm not too fond of the layouts, and that helix, at least in real life, would be a hell of a lot more than only 3-4. -
Meretrix Offline
Yes, in real life, it would.....but oddly enough, the ride is only traveling 53 mph when it hits that helix......so.........it would really be no worse than "the centrifuge" on Goliath at SFMM....and yes, it pulls 4.2 g's through the center of the helix.
And Phatage......sorry you don't like the coaster layouts....then again, you've never really been a fan of any of my work, so at least you're consistent. -
Evil WME Offline
sorry, i didn't know that either.I'm really inclined to ask your age after that post, particularily the part about thinking that a giovanola hyper pulling 3-4 g's on a helix is a lot.
I'm not too fond of the layouts, and that helix, at least in real life, would be a hell of a lot more than only 3-4.
does that make me young?
wolfman is one of those irritating new members, just leave him be. Soon he'll adapt to the irsi hierarchy. -
Meretrix Offline
OK, I lied...these are the last two screens I'm showing before I leave for Croatia.
Enjoy!!! -
jon Offline
It's nice. But I don't understand why the RCT3ers take screens at night. It doesn't show anything IMO. What I can make out looks lovely though. -
Carl Offline
^I agree with the screens at night comment.
I like your coaster layouts, I've always been a fan of the "twsited" wooden coasters.
Also, I have a question, are those "disney-esque" spires you used custom, or in the game? -
Meretrix Offline
They're part of a custom pack.....the guy who made them is currently working on Tudor style walls and roofs.....as for the night shots....I just thought it looked pretty. I'll post day shots of the same thing later. -
Milo Offline
I kind of like the screens at night. The lights and things can give it more of a magical feel IMO. I like the castle structure too.
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