(Archive) Advertising District / Something Inspired This Way Comes
06-September 05
Meretrix Offline
Greetings and Salutations,
Long ago, there lived a rumour about a "fountain of youth" somewhere in the mountains of West Virginia. Legend has it, that those who drank from this fountain, which was in fact a waterfall, cascading down from a small pond atop a mysteriously small mountain, on three sides, retained their youth far beyond their years. It was believed that this small pond, perched atop this small mountain, was a divine creation, put upon this Earth as a gift from the heavens. In time, it was revealed that the "fountain of youth" was in fact, a hoax....a vicious story, told to unsuspecting commoners, by a very unsavory character, one Mr. Thadeus Falls. Mr. Falls had a way with words, and moreso, not an honest bone in his body. Thadeus tricked several thousand innocents out of their life savings, with the promise of eternal youth, from this alleged "fountain", over nothing more than a simple "hot spring" risen from a sharp land elevation.
Eventually, Thadeus Falls died alone, and broke...but his illegitimate son, Hunter Jameson Thadeus Falls, took his fathers' "lies" to heart.......what if he could make people "feel" young at heart....what if he could make people "feel" like a child again........and with that, he set about constructing what would eventually become Twilight Falls Theme Park and Resort. The "postcard" you see before you, is what the land would have looked like, prior to construction. Since the park will be celebrating its' 85th anniversary on Memorial Day, 2006, Twilight Falls executives have opted to hold off on showing premature "Anniversary"pictures. Please know that in the coming days, the HJ Falls Co. will be previewing the construction site of it's newest GCI Coaster...dubbed.......Eternity. This GCI exploded twister is the longest single track coaster in GCI's oeuvre....stretching a mammoth 4600 ft.
Look for the photos of this behemoth later this week. For now......enjoy this snapshot.
JBruckner Offline
way to use a word that does not exist in english, but i am guessing you meant oeuvre.
anyways, WHERE IS THE SCREEN! unless by snapshot you meant the writing. -
Meretrix Offline
Yes, thanks so much for pointing out that I have a shitty keyboard, that sometimes forgets to actually type the letters I press.
As for the image...it's up now. -
iBrent Offline
Looks... interesting. Really hard to say that I doubt something great can come out of a landscape like that, but since this is a 'trix project, I'll hold back on that... even if that waterfall in the middle is coming from nowhere, which looks weirder in RCT3 than any other version. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Don't you have to finish your other park first?
That's the LAST place I'd expect one of those!t a "fountain of youth" somewhere in the mountains of West Virginia
Terrain is nice but doesn't look rugged or natural enough to me. Might be the point of view, but it looks like mushed Play-Dough forced into that position. -
coasterfrk Offline
Very nice backstory. As for the terrain, I think its ruggedness fits perfectly for something located in the Appalachains. It's rugged enough, but not too rugged to look like western mountains. I'm looking forward to the progress for this...meanwhile, I'm off to find out the exact meaning of "oeuvre." -
Meretrix Offline
One day earlier than promised......here are some new shots of the newly finished "Behemoth". This GCI exploded twister clocks speeds of nearly 68 mph, traversing 18 twisting hills, producing a whopping 22 seconds of airtime! At 4663 feet, it is the longest single track coaster yet produced by GCI. These unthemed "flyover" shots, detail the coasters layout and placement within the park. -
Turtle Offline
Where is the water in the waterfalls coming from? That annoys me, probably even more now it's in a 3D environment. You have the capactity to make amazing, true-to-life landscapes. Please use it. -
Meretrix Offline
Did you even bother to read the story I posted? If you did, then you'd realise that it comes from an underground hotspring, that has bubled to the surface..........since you can't see a close up pic, you cannot see the bubbling water coming from the crater at the top. -
Fisheye Offline
I would have loved to have seen a massive out-and-back style woody, taking full advantage of the terrain. The backstory and 4000+ stats just made me expect more thats all. I still like the concept, the last screen is the nicest looking, the others make it look crampt imo.
I havent played RCT3 so i dont know how hard it is to make/create coasters that interact with landscape etc, but i hope you keep tryin. -
Fisheye Offline
I didnt say they did or didnt, but i would have liked to have seen that type of layout, just my preference. -
artist Offline
That was pretty bad of you.Where is the water in the waterfalls coming from? That annoys me, probably even more now it's in a 3D environment. You have the capactity to make amazing, true-to-life landscapes. Please use it.
Anyways the screens look great and i will be following this topic closely. Very very nice coaster layout and well even though its still very bare and empty i can tell this will be beautiful.
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