Related Games / RCT3 -

  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    I'll be honest - ALOT of the RCT3 screens I've been seeing, look very similar. I dunno if this is because I don't myself own the game and haven't seen it's full potential whilst playing it, or whether RCT3 itself is limited when it comes to themeing park areas...

    Am I going to be able to create vastly detailed themed areas for parks like I did in RCT2, and if so, how much longer does it take? For me, if it takes up too much time and energy, it'll take every single ounce of fun outta the game, and I'll have wasted my cash.

  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    At the moment, the game is in the same time frame as RCT 2 with respects to the scenery and such. I know Kevin has been at the forefront of RCT 3 scenery making and there have been improvement in the game (such as the Steelworx scenery set). Although RCT 2 does have to simplicity and hacking with it right now, RCT 3 does incorporate the 3D aspect as well as a deper look into park making (just look here and here). If you let a couple months go by, then you might see another expansion pack come out as well as some scenery upgrades.
  • coasterfrk%s's Photo
    I think that theming-wise, RCT3 is rather limited. Of the themes offered, they're so specialized that it's difficult to put something together that doesn't evoke the same exact idea as the last building. It is possible to be creative, but so far, parkmakers have to go back to playing the game as if it were RCT2 before custom scenery. In some ways, this is good. What RCT3 offers for creativity that neither of its predecessors offered is the ability to effectively theme the interior of a structure for a more complete effect. Positives and negatives aside, I think parkmaking in general won't push the envelope too much until it becomes more playable for more people. Time-wise, I think it'll take about the same amount of time to build as in RCT2, it's just instead of taking time with the wide array of custom 1/4-tile scenery, you spend it on theming the indoor portions of rides.


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