Related Games / Predator
27-August 05
coasterfrk Offline
Well, as a slight respite to my other project, I have taken the time to play around with RCT3 a bit. Since the viewability of parks in RCT3 is somewhat limited, I've kept it to merely a design. The main purpose of this topic, which I hope won't raise an Ad District purpose discussion, is to find a few testers who are willing to take a look at this and give me feedback on both the design itself, and find out how well it runs on other systems (may also entail finding out whether or not I have sent the right file for sharing). If anyone's interested, just reply or send me a PM with an e-mail address, and I'll send it off to a few (3, maybe 4 at most) of the interested. I did build a tunnel with the design, so as far as I'm concerned, Soaked! is highly suggested. Thanks! -
coasterfrk Offline
Well, if anyone is still interested, I have yet to get any feedback, so any help from any other testers is much appreciated. For the two current testers, I'm just curious if there's been any issue with getting the file or with loading it. I'd like to fully release it, but I want to make sure I don't have a mess when it comes to posting a good package. Thanks! -
ekimmel Offline
Sorry, been a little busy. I took a good look at the coaster the other day and was going to type up a review yesterday but some family things came up and we had some bad storms roll through so I didn't get a chance.
I love the layout of the coaster. My only complaint with the layout was the ending where you go through, basically, a wide S turn into the station. You had enough momentum to not need that. It was cool going down into that last helix, though. There were some hills where the negative G's were a little high but with the track pieces in RCT it's hard to avoid that.
The archy was pretty basic. The station building was small but it wasn't bad. There were no other buildings in the park.
The landscaping, I thought, was good. It had good atmosphere. The concept of a couple mountains with a single lake is a little basic but it was done well. -
coasterfrk Offline
OK, thanks. I understand your being busy, I figured as much. So, now that I'm sure it'll load elsewhere, I'm ready for release, so Mods, if you please, you may move this topic to the 'Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land' section of the forums.
I present to you, Predator. Enjoy!
Thanks to RCT Dimension for hosting!
I will probably post a screen later for those who don't have the means to enjoy it in game. -
Dixon Steele Offline
Is this just RCT3 or Soaked too?
Read.I did build a tunnel with the design, so as far as I'm concerned, Soaked! is highly suggested.