(Archive) Advertising District / Disney Downunder
04-August 05
RCTNW Offline
Welcome to Disney Downunder!
Our first excursion to the Australian continent and we end up with mouse ears, or rather, they do. RCTM at last attempts the essence of theming Disney style...in RCT2 of course.
Constrcution on the park commenced a few months ago and although we have had a delay or two, the park is back on track and work is progressing nicely.
Main Street Station
The Main Street station is the signature entrance to the park and home to a train that visits many lands. Local trolleys traverse the Main Street and its many shoppes.
Mark Twain Riverboat & Landing
Over in Frountierland, the Mark Twain Riverboat is ready to set sail on the "River of America". Here it is waiting for passengers at the landing.
Next update will be for Tomorrowland!
RCTNW - Project Coordinator -
penguinBOB Offline
the steam boat could use some color. and some ferris wheel paddles. i like the entrance and see nothing wrong with anything else. -
postit Offline
The only glaring problem I see is the orange tile sidewalk path. It's a little bright for that, but if you want to keep it, it's fine. Hacking those curbs up and down mainstreet must have been a bitch. -
ChiefThaLeaf Offline
I agree with the above post about the bland riverboat. It seems lacking of a bit of detail. Definitely not bad though.
RCTM parks are some of my favorites. But then again I'm a noob, so what do I know? -
Magnus Offline
maybe more than all parkmakers together cause you don't know so many parks.But then again I'm a noob, so what do I know?
Panic Offline
Magnus, I know it's none of my business whether you want to present yourself as Posix II (also evidenced in egg's thread and RCTfan's jungle theme thread), and there are certainly worse examples you could follow - I have a huge amount of respect for the guy. But at least he's reasonable regarding this sort of stuff.
NW, both those screens are simply miraculous. -
Richie Offline
Looks ok is suppose, but this park will bore me like the rest of the disney parks if you dont build any rides. By rides, i mean watchable rides. Some boat ride that snakes backwards and forwards inside a pretty building doesnt count. Maybe theme them inside, and have a removable roof at least.
Please do indiana jones. -
JBruckner Offline
Magnus, I know it's none of my business whether you want to present yourself as Posix II (also evidenced in egg's thread and RCTfan's jungle theme thread), and there are certainly worse examples you could follow - I have a huge amount of respect for the guy. But at least he's reasonable regarding this sort of stuff.
NW, both those screens are simply miraculous. -
inVersed Offline
I like this. It has a very nice disney feel to it. The archy all is good to me. I look foward to seeing more of this. -
RCTNW Offline
Thanks guys, As the project coordinator, I can answer some of the questions that have been brought up.
penguinBOB - Theres not too much more in the way of color that can be added but we can look into it. Perhaps the deck can be brown to match the real version. As for the ferris wheel paddles, they are too tall for this and will not worok.. We tried...
postit - The paths do look better in game. We all know the routine with these and SS's. Thanks
ChiefThaLeaf - Thanks
Panic - Thanks also
Richie - This is tough. I understand the lack of "action" with most disney parks but we do have a few surprises planned so perhaps it will work out for you. Only time will tell.
Inversed - Thanks again. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Looks pretty nice! There's sort of an Aero atmosphere to it that's pretty appealing. A little less refined than one might expect, but extremely pleasant and casual.
And awesome job on the logo, whoever did that. My random guess would be AP, but it's a wild grasp in the dark. -
coasterfrk Offline
Everything looks quite nice. I'm just getting a little bored with Disney inspired parks. The only thing that really stood out in any of those screens was the excellent curb work for the mainstreet screen. Nice work...even the very cool logo taken from those 'Visit Australia' ads.(I'm not getting on your case...it works quite nicely with the rest of the logo)
BigFoot Offline
Looks nice NW, I like the first screen alot, maybe on the boat make it look a tad less blocky and add some details, like you mentioned changing the deck to brown might be an option.
Does RCTM not do LL parks anymore? I really enjoyed the LL parks as well as your rct2 work.
BigFoot -
RCTNW Offline
Steve - Thanks but I'm sorry, I can't say just yet.
Cork - Although AP has done a couple of logos for RCTM (one of them still needs to get the park in gear so we can use it), This was an in house job. I wish I had the skill as some of you guys at logos but this is about the best I can do.
coasterfrk - You noticed that! I was looking for something to use and came across that and I liked it. As for the Disney park, yea, we are a bit late to join the bandwagon but we needed to complete a few other projects before we took on anything else.
BigFoot - We will play around with the MTRB a bit more. as for LL parks, we do have one sorta in progress but it's on hold right now. Besides, it has me building in it so I don't know how well it will come out since I have never released a LL park in the past.
Again thanks guys -
Highball Offline
Wow, awesome work on the park. I don't think I could do better than that! Everything has a clean look and is themed perfectly. Good luck w/ the rest of the project. If ya'll need pictures of ANYthing Disney, feel free to PM me. -
RCTNW Offline
18th green at the Disney Downunder Golf Course
Welcome to the Disney Downunder Golf Course (future home to the 2007 US Open).
The above SS is a portion of the back nine. The tee box in the top left is for the 10th hole and goes to the left. The tee box on the bottom right is for the 17th hole (portion of the fairway can be seen. The island green is the 18th hole (golfers shown are fellow RCT Masters trying out the course) and comes in from the left. As for the design of the club house, it sorta ties into the resort hotel down the road (more to come later).
James - RCTNW -
inVersed Offline
That screen seems good, it really captures a golf-course atmosphere. This looks like it is going to turn out to be a kick ass resort. -
RCTFAN Offline
lol monorail is dangerously close, i know most of the rctm's can't hit well
everything thing looks so disney, the whole polished atmosphere shines through in those screens and hopefully it is the same ingame.
well done guys and keep it coming
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