(Archive) Advertising District / Eagle River Valley

  • Tom_Dj%s's Photo
    I like it the screen have a realistic feel and de buildings looks good but i think it's better when you change the sandground than it looks nice

    -Tom_Dj :)
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    @ JBruckner: I dont see how LL flowers are a cliche...there isnt all that much there to choose from, and personally i think they look nice.

    @ TomDJ: Thanks for the suggestion on the sand.

    @ Psychopathic592: The roofing makes more sense with the rest of the area :)

    Thanks for the comments, keep em comin!

    And nice screen my fellow parkmaking buddy ;)
  • posix%s's Photo
    i think the park is obviously wannabe and uninspired. there's no personal note to it or anything that would make me want to see more.
    don't mean to be an ass, just telling my honest opinion since you're so much longing for replies.
  • sloB%s's Photo
    i gotta agree with posix here, rog. the park just looks like everything else thats come out for ll, and i feel like you have no direction or specific inspiration, you're just building blindly with hopes of getting something cool. you gotta know where you're going, at least to a certain extent. looks okay, but in the end, i'd just throw it in a pile with all the other 'just okay' parks that seem to be fillin up ne these days.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    I like this, the archy looks good, pretty nice concept you did to make it look like light in the windows. The flowers and foliage also looks good to me. However I must say that this doesnt look much like what I'd consider an fairground or even a "Olde" fairground. Still nice work from you two very good LL parkmakers! :yup:
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    Where does one building end and the other begin?
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    @ Phatage: There are 2 corner's touching. It's not all connected.

    @Inversed: Thanks, and like I said, names are subject to change.

    @Posix and Metalface: Yeah, i suppose it is somewhat genetic. Tracid decided to just build and this is what came out. Its the entrance so this is somewhat generic. I dont think I was whoring for posts that bad, but oh well. Thanks guys.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    7/31/05 Update 3:

    Not too much progress has happenned in the last week, work continues on the two areas of the park that have been started. A large scale, unnamed wooden coaster was built in the Medieval woods section as well. Work is crawling as Tracid and Giga are both very busy, but the ball should be rolling again soon!
  • muuuh%s's Photo
    the building has a really good archy and the colors are very nice.

    but is this the parkentrance?
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Yeah, that 2nd screen is near the entrance.


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