(Archive) Advertising District / Eagle River Valley

  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Eagle River Valley

    80x80 - LL
    GigaForce, TracidEdge
    Eagle River Sewage Plant
    Medieval Woods
    Olde Fairgrounds

    7/15/05 Update 1:
    Been working on this park for a little while now. It was originally supposed to be sort of a H2H style building park with tracidEdge, but as he was caught up in his solo, the work load has fallen completely upon me. Tracid remains as my guest spot in the fairgrounds entrance to the park while I continue to work on the other 2 areas as well as the entrance. All names are subject to change.

    Posted Image
    Small Screen Showing a building in the Sewage Plant area of the park. Since the screen was taken, the back was more finished and a curved piece of Pink Virginia Reel track was added above the point where the pathing enters the building. Enjoy!

    7/23/05 Update 2:
    Work continues on the Olde Fairgrounds and Sewage plant areas, and tracidEdge has made a surprise return to building after a month long hiatus from the park. GigaForce has been very busy as of late with his college course at Brown University, but still manages to make small contributions to the park.

    Posted Image
    This is a screen of the entrance of the park, built by tracidEdge, "Olde Fairgrounds." In these buildings you'll find some wonderfully tasty foods (at right) and park information (at left). This also utilises the relatively new idea of light coming through windows, an RCT2 concept, in LL. Enjoy!

    7/31/05 Update 3:

    Not too much progress has happenned in the last week, work continues on the two areas of the park that have been started. A large scale, unnamed wooden coaster was built in the Medieval woods section as well. Work is crawling as Tracid and Giga are both very busy, but the ball should be rolling again soon!
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I think the 2x1 slanted piece on the left of the closer building would benefit from losing the pathing and just having that pink texture.

    It looks interesting, although pink is a strange colour for a sewage plant.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    You know what I think about this, GigaForce. I really like it. Pink is a good color to use in LL, havent found it used often. In some ways I agree with Turtle about the coloring of the area, but I feel that you were going for a fantasy, modern themed Sewage Plant, if so I think the pink goes just fine. Good work, GigaForce!
  • JKay%s's Photo
    I agree fully with turtle here. I like it a lot, but I'm not understanding the pink pipe.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    I like pink :). The whole area looks really cool in-game lol.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    Yes pink is good, keep it. Dont want another dull brown/green area.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Alright, what the fuck. Give this thing to me now, like hell I'm gonna be a guest spot.

    ps it looks cool.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Haha i knew this would get you back into it tracid :)
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    I like the pink. A lot. It's so bright and colorful, not something you see too much in LL anymore.

    EDIT: Change the colors of the ghost train.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    hmm. It needs an awning, possibly virgina reel corner, over the "doorway" there in the corner. The pink roofing texture suggestion that Turtle made wouldn't hurt either, but I'm not so sure it would help. I guess try it and see which you like better.

    Anyway I dig the colors

  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    @ Ride6:

    GigaForce, on Jul 15 2005, 03:25 AM, said:

    Small Screen Showing a building in the Sewage Plant area of the park. Since the screen was taken, the back was more finished and a curved piece of Pink Virginia Reel track was added above the point where the pathing enters the building.

    Yeah Thats coming :) It'll be changed later, thanks for the reminder though.

    I'll check that out.

    Thanks for the replies, keep 'em comin! :)
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    When I said that pink was a strange colour for a sewage plant, I wasn't asking you to change the colour. I was more suggesting that you changed the emphasis of the area, maybe make it a sweet factory? ;)

    I love the pink, just doesn't hit me as a sewage plant.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Yeah. Well names are subject to change and right now, all it really is in my mind is "industrial" lol
  • Atlus%s's Photo
    It's great, but I can't really offer constructive comments unless you give a bigger screen!
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    I'm all about the small teasing advertising
  • Drew%s's Photo
    [font="Arial"]I like everything in the screen except for the martian objects being used on the slanted tile rooves. They look nice on the flat 2x2 roof, but the ones on the slanted rooves don't look as nice, I think...

    I look forward to seeing more.[/font]
  • Steve%s's Photo
    fine. the park looks nice.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    This is a screen of the entrance of the park, built by me, "Olde Fairgrounds." In these buildings you'll find some wonderfully tasty foods (right) and park information (left).
  • Psychopathic592%s's Photo
    I really like the screen, specifically the coloring in the flowers and most of the landscaping... the only thing I would like to see changed is the Mine Train track for roof... it just doesn't fit with the screen IMO.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    The flowers are too cliche, sorry.


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