(Archive) Advertising District / After 5 years...
07-July 05
Psychopathic592 Offline
Almost 5 years to the date I released my last park for public release (Knollwood, under the name KennywooDKiD). I'm highly doubting anyone remembers it or me as I was always clumped into the small "realistic" parkmaker group with SPRules, mrICE etc... over at the original Danimation. Anyways, I've finally managed to get myself to fall in love with RCT3 now that Soaked is out. I never really dug into RCT2, it always felt too similar, and then the game became polluted in custom scenery. (tho it wasn't all bad) I've always kept up on the scene, coming here after the fall of Danimation, and Im happy to finally contribute again... hopefully this spark keeps up and I can actually release this park in the near future. (Hopefully within the month)
Anyways, just a small teaser of an unnamed attraction... I actually have alot completed, but what would the fun be in showing you everything to start? -
Psychopathic592 Offline
Well this next batch took a little longer to post then I planned, but meh...
These are all pretty easy and simple shots... Im not really too far into the really detailed stuff, so here is just a few screens to give you some idea on the atmosphere Im going for.
The next screens will be a good layout shot of the new B&M Stand-up just installed, and some archy shots as well... until then, enjoy.
Small waterfall off to the eastern side of the park
Shot of the entrance path with the as of now un-named wood coaster off to the left
A partially unfinished night shot of the same un-named wood coaster -
Atlus Offline
The water coaster looks great but there's not much to comment on in terms of your theme park.
The waterfall also looks good. I've not actually seen many of these in RCT3 but this seems like a pretty nice effort. The path is nice. And the coaster is good. But really, there's not much I can give feedback on! -
Psychopathic592 Offline
Perhaps I should have made clear that this is not a theme park at all. This park is going to be based as a smaller family owned Amusement park. Very much similar in style to Kennywood, though not nearly as cramped. The shots I've released so far I've been trying to convey mostly atmosphere. Hopefully in the next batch of screens you'll get more of an idea as to what I'm going for. -
OhioCoasteRFreaK36 Offline
ever played half life 2?that is the most beautiful water ever.
the screens are pretty nice..i think i need to get soaked. -
Psychopathic592 Offline
Welp, these pictures aren't exactly what I had originally planned on showing, but after I took these earlier tonight I just couldn't pass showing you guys...
This first shot is a good overlook from the lift hill of Whipper Snapper, cresting in the background is the lift hill to the 1992 Hyper Coaster "Phantom of the Forest".
And in this shot is most of the layout for Whipper Snapper, and you can also partially see the B&M Stand-up "Orange Lazarus".
Hope you guys enjoy em, be back in a few days with another fresh batch... -
inVersed Offline
Nothing jawdropping like some of the RCT3 stuff I have seen, yet it still is good. It has a semi-realistic feel to it which I like a lot. The one thing I havent noticed a lot of, is archy, more archy would probably take this good park, and step it up a good bit. Good work, still, nontheless.
edit: The waterfall looks beautiful in the back of the first screen! -
Psychopathic592 Offline
Like I said earlier, I really am trying to keep this park as realistic as possible... I want you to look at the park, or at the screens and think, yea I could see myself walking through there. Specifically with this park, Im trying to make the park what Kennywood would be with a little more space. In walking through a park it always seems that architechture is the last thing you notice. Im trying to make the landscaping, rides and coasters most preveliant, beacuse that is what real parks do. I should also mention that archy is the last thing I complete in my parks, as Im very particular and it usually takes me days to perfect one building to my liking.
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