H2H3 / Most Valuable Parkmaker
01-June 05
iris Offline
2nd Place - X Sector
3rd Place - ride6
4th Place - Coaster Ed
5th Place - Kumba
6th Place - Blitz -
Kumba Offline
Well that's nice to see. Cork your like 4-0 all-time in H2H and you deserve this. Sorry we did not get you the chance to win the championship in game 3, coz you would have. I told you from the start one of us would win it... I was only 4 spots down... my mistake was not makeing a good park in the finals and getting to out of contral. X-Sector probably was really close as the star player of the championship team, he did some pretty good stuff, tho none of it really seemed to be outstanding. ride6 had 2 huge wins, tho again nothing off the charts, he was really an accet to his team. Ed ran into some hard luck makeing one of the best parks all year and ran into one of very few that was better, nice to see him up for MVP this year to. Blitz, well I wish we got to see more from him, coz GCC was really awsome.
Congrats to all the nominies, it was a really good season. -
mantis Offline
I voted for ride6 cos he seemed to have done a lot of work for FG and was instrumental in their victory. Congratulations to Croky, though. -
jon Offline
6/10 for spelling Kumba.
Well done Cork. A well deserved win. Good to see X coming in a close second. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Yay me!
I must say, I totally expected X to clinch this one, since he came on hard and strong late in the season. But I'm glad I won. It was definitely a goal. I think a game three would have been pretty awesome, since I know my park was looking nice and I'm sure X's was looking amazing.
It's been a great season, and next year I'll be back for more.
H2H MVP stays at USC!!! -
Coaster Ed Offline
I really wanted to see ride6 get this, but Corky definately deserved it too. Congratulations Cork. Remember back in December when the three of us went to Disneyland, did you think then we'd have H2H Park of the Year and MVP between the three of us, and neither of them would be me? -
Blitz Offline
where can we go, and how can we make it cheap? =P
Do note that I may be moving to sanfran soon though... -
Ride6 Offline
Damn it, there goes my chances at any awards. Oh well. I made a decent showing in 5 catigories and I only voted for myself in one (rookie).
Cork really desirves this more than I do, even if I would like to think otherwise.
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