(Archive) Advertising District / Fun place II
25-May 05
mini Offline
I'm new here, but I want to know what people think of my park.
It's my second one, because my park before I coudn't open anymore. But it was much worser then this.
I don't know a name for it so I hope some people can help here.
Something what I know is that I'm using a lot of colors and I need more 1/4 work. But I will change that in my next update.
And I see that the most of this people here are very critical, so I prepared myself.
This is my entrance, with alot of colors.
And I got a screen of my new attraction, rooftop trauma!
And this is a preview of my next attraction, it's a monorail, without a name, for now!
I hope you like it a BIT! -
KINGda ka Offline
very nice!!! you're right you're using alot of colors and roof types!!
but it's not bad at all! I like your "rooftop trauma" and monorail!! -
Ride6 Offline
*Living up to the NE rep.*
Okay, this park has some thing about it that I like however it's badly flawed, so I'm going to list what's good and not.
What I like:
-The shifting color sceme is done perfectly. The combination is good and the textures used doen't clash. Great work on that.
-Atmosphere. This is darker than most but in more of a relaxed sense and it 'feels' very european to me, more important than what it 'feels' like is that it has 'feeling'. The fact that this has on honest to god atmosphere (especially when I look at the screen as a whole rather than little parts of it).
Things I don't like:
-You've got roofs going down to walls, sure there could be hidden gutters or something however it's something that's really a pet peve of mine.
-The waterfalls on the various fountains you have around the place need a wall color behind them that enhanses the "thinkness" of the water.
Other notes:
The buildings could really benifit from some 1/4 tile deep balconies scattered here and there.
Colorful flowers are useful but try not to use more than 2 colors in a small area and use bright colors with the flowers. That red/blue pattern works and so do the yellow ones in the first screen.
Try to break up large areas of path with small "bushy" gardens, however make sure to use open grass, too, since that seems to be part of this parks charm.
ride6 -
mini Offline
That waterfall was a try.
I think I'm gonna delete it, and build another one.
That from the 1/4 work, that am I doing on my new buildings and I'm gonna change it on my old ones.
But I'm glad you think it's so bad.
Thanks for your help.
I will think on your advice when I'm building! -
Metropole Offline
Apologies for my harshness, but i think it is hideous.
Too many textures and colours that just don't fit to make any kinda theme or anything. It looks like a mess in that respect. The buildings have poor structure with nothing to make them stand out or look pleasing to the eye. The windows are poorly placed with no consistancy, just randomness. I just don't like it, sorry.
Metro -
spiderman Offline
Reminds of lots of older LL parks, a good thing. But a park full of architecture and styled like this will get very boring very quickly. The screens don't look good quite yet, but if you go back over the buildings and touch them up some, they could be good.
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