RCT Discussion / LL Disc

  • mantis%s's Photo
    Hooray! I ordered a new LL disc off amazon marketplace last friday, and then they sent me RCT2+wacky worlds. I e-mailed them saying i'd send it back if they would send me LL. They e-mailed me saying sorry for the mix up and sent me LL and told me to KEEP the wacky worlds thing cos it would cost them more in postage if I returned it.

    So now I have LL and two copies of rct2. Go me.
  • posix%s's Photo
    hahaha, good job.
    i remember buying a dvd at amazon which i thought was damaged the quality was so low. i bitched and they sent me a new one which was just as a bad. it was then when i realised that the dvd itself was rubbish in quality. i was young and thought everything dvd was top notch. so yeah, i kept both, heh.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    the lesson of today is: complain.
  • tyandor%s's Photo

    the lesson of today is: complain.

    nope, the lesson of today is: complain by the right people and not annoy anyone around you with it :yup:


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