RCT Discussion / RCT DEATH MATCH 6


  1. STEVE 21 votes [29.58%]
    Percentage of vote: 29.58%
  2. CHAPELZ 5 votes [7.04%]
    Percentage of vote: 7.04%
  3. MARSHY 45 votes [63.38%]
    Percentage of vote: 63.38%
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    Vote motherfuckers...

    (click on the names for the parks)

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
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  • chapelz%s's Photo
    http://raven.artific...gpByChapelz.zip Linked wrong above.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Oh man, this was total ownage.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    i wonder if people aren't going to vote for marshy haha. Although i did like Steve's ride, he should have fixed the ratings though...
  • PBJ%s's Photo
    100% MARSHY

    i thibk this is a huge amount of work for a 24H park!
  • posix%s's Photo
    hmm, interesting. i thought marshy's was terrible. it was very forced, out of order and just not working. the coasters had no appeal on me whatsoever.
    chapelz' was good from the colour choices and i also loved the peep-friendliness, however the coaster was really bad, with it's strange layout and boosters and such.
    so i voted for steve's. not that the coaster would've been much better, i mean, look at the ratings, but for me it was easily the most beautiful to look at. awesome colours. good atmosphere. so yeah, it got my vote.
  • Marshy%s's Photo

    hmm, interesting. i thought marshy's was terrible. it was very forced, out of order and just not working. the coasters had no appeal on me whatsoever.

    Well 24hrs isn't a long time to build. I wanted to submit something that was at least partly finished. Of course it's rushed, if I had longer it would be way better quality, but if I had longer it wouldn't be a deathmatch anymore, Mind you Posix, you don't like this sort of "style" anyway.
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    elegance is everything

    voted for steve
  • cg?%s's Photo
    First of all, I want to use this a sa forum to discuss my disgust for all these fake "block sections". If you're going to make a block section, make a real one! The game lets you, so do it! But, of course, none of you idiots will, because you can't actually build a fucking rollercoaster properly!

    The reason I bring this up is because Chapelz park contains the absolute worst example of this I've ever seen! After going through the "block brakes", it goes through an inversion at least TWICE as high! What? Disgusting! Not to mention the boosters, and other random crap he did to cover up for his completely nonexistant buildings skills.

    Steve's would be terrible in any other competition, but thanks to Chapelz it's elevated to the level of "barely decent". While Marshy's would be "barely decent" in any other competition, thanks to the others, and the fact it was actually complete, is elevated to the level of "decent".

    Oh, and to talk about these levels, for future reference:

    1. Terrible.

    I can't even look at it!

    2. Barely decent.

    Just good enough that I can actually bother looking at it.

    3. Decent.

    Just good enough so that I can actually bother looking at it long enough to properly flame it.

    4. Somewhat average.

    The level most people should be working at, but when anyone does make something this good they get worshipped like a God.

    5. Average.

    The same as "Somewhat average", only this time I'll actually bother giving it some praise, too, usually.

    6. Slightly above average.

    The level of most Spotlights.

    7. Above average.

    The level most Spotlights should be.

    8. Nearly wonderful.

    You know, like Nate's bad parks...

    9. Wonderful.

    You know, like Nate's good parks...

    10. Perfect.

    1 word: Legends.
  • iris%s's Photo
    I was wondering...could you give me some examples of what have been 10's in your rating system? It'd just be interesting to see imo.
  • cg?%s's Photo
    As I said: Legends. And... um... uh... well... Legends. And if that was released today, instead of 5 years ago, it would probably be a 7. So, really, there are no 10s, but that's sort of the point. It's something everyone should strive for, but no one can acheive! An absolute ideal of perfection. Nothing is perfect.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    I was wondering...could you give me some examples of what have been 10's in your rating system? It'd just be interesting to see imo.


    As CG said... SA's Legends theme park. Funny you didn't pick that one up. :p
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    what the fuck.
    I could have sworn I sent mine in.
  • Titan%s's Photo
    Gonna use cg?'s scale for this.

    Chapelz - 3
    Marshy's - 4
    Steve's - 5

    Oh, almost forgot...

    The best thing cg? has ever made in his life - between 2 and 3
  • rK_%s's Photo
    damn marshy, becoming that force more and more everyday, nice work.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Yeah, about the coaster's stats, I built the ride first, then I just saved the track design, and relocated it. Somehow the stats went through the fucking roof. Before I saved it they were somewhere in the high 8's. Good job to Marshy as well. You got a lot done in such a small amount of time!
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    The 2 people thjat voted for me should kill themselves that pos was thrown together in like 1 hour. Good jobe to Steve and Marshy though. Personally I liked steve's more but I'm beginning to get bored of this semi-minamalistic stuff.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Marshy gets my vote. Such a lovely entry, with the time limit. I'm a sucker for vertical coasters.

    You did a great job, it was a lot of fun to look at.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Steve's was pretty cool.
    But I voted for Marshy.


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