RCT Discussion / ANNOUNCEMENT (Please Read)

  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    Things have been running kinda slow around here lately....

    So I decided to spice things up again if possible.

    This Wednesday, The RCT Fiesta will make it's return! to coincide with the fiesta, the RCT Death Match 6 will also start Wednesday...

    The RCT Fiesta has been on hiatus since December, and i figured since a lot of people are being stingy with their work recently, I thought it would be an appropriate time to show of some of your latest works. I, personally will have a new screen of my latest project for all of you to laugh and tear apart, so yeah, go with the flow.

    The go along with the RCT Fiesta's return i present this month's RCT Death Match. The contest, the 6th of 11, starts the second you get done reading this, and once you finish reading you will know why...

    The rules of this Death Match are the following...

    1. No Coaster can exceed 115 ft. (RCT limits of course)

    2. No hacking (of any kind, except LL for park resizing ONLY)

    It's time to see who are the men among the boys. Building a classic, no frills park, using RCT2 and LL of course. RCT 3 park are welcome for entry, but it's up to your discretion. Benches are up to you, scenery is your choice. Next month Kumba will take over again and we will probably sort out workbenches again.

    You will have 3 days to work on it (starting now), since schools have finals and what not, but I am allowing that you have the 3 days, and you can post 1 single screen on wednesday. The parks are due Thursday @ 12 AM EST, meaning wednesday night @ 12, not 12 on thursday.

    Please send all RCT DEATH MATCH 6 entries to...


    Good luck everyone and get those screens ready for the Fiesta!!!!

  • iBrent%s's Photo
    So like, theme the park, classic robo style? Like... Two Flagsish like? Real styled? Any limit to the coasters, rides, ect.
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    So like, theme the park, classic robo style? Like... Two Flagsish like? Real styled? Any limit to the coasters, rides, ect.


    I mean, like no hacking....so building in the pure form, not the hacking to sutitute for talent form.ost of the hacking is awesome and the hackers themselves are very talented, I just want to see clean and fresh parks, like the good old days.

  • Silenced%s's Photo
    Only 115ft? I hope that's a typo.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    115ft is fine. My coaster is already up and running.
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    Now about the 115 height thing... is that 115 feet from zero feet or from wherever the land is adjusted to?
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    You can put the coaster on a hill, but the supports can only be 115 ft.
    Making huge hyper coasters with a 250 ft drop with only a 115 ft. lift will be frowned upon though.

    115' is more than enough.

  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Edit - Nevermind this. I really like the idea I have, so I'm going to do my best and send it in. Maybe it'll win something.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    115 feet would be roughly how many LL units?
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    ^ just test it out.... open a flat park, and test different heights.
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    Oh, height. I thought you meant length.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Bugger, I'm going to miss the Fiesta. Oh well, I hope to see some quality stuff when I get back...
  • Marshy%s's Photo

    The parks are due Thursday @ 12 AM EST, meaning wednesday night @ 12, not 12 on thursday.

    So...if its starting on Monday night, and it's due Wednesday midnight...wouldn't that be 2 days?
  • artist%s's Photo
    [font="arial"]Sweet! fiesta!

    yay, can't wait.[/font]
  • jon%s's Photo
    Does zeroing clearances and owning all land count as hacking?
  • Richie%s's Photo
    LOL zero clearancing is the most used hack probably.. i dont think it gets missed under 'NO hacking' :lol:
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Yeah, damn, foliaging is hard without 0 clearencing.
  • Dark-Daxter%s's Photo
    Is it alright I made the park in a other dm bench? (i thought DM3 bench) If so, then im happy. xd If not...then i will cry. ;___;
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    [font="arial"]Sweet! fiesta!

    yay, can't wait.[/font]

    That's my thoughts exactly. We agree for once!

    Maybe I can dig a screen out of something. Or maybe a cancelled project or something, we'll see.

    I would enter in the death match expect I have other obligations (rct and/or otherwise) and this requirement isn't so complicated anyway.



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