H2H3 / H2H FINALS Game 1 - Hurricanes vs Flying Germans
01-May 05
x-sector Offline
this is not saying I built it just for people to understand it a bit more.
both parks were great. I enjoyed very much and this looks to be a great match.
Of course my vote went for my team but everyone does that. -
jon Offline
I voted for the Flying Germans, because I am in that team and stuff.
The Hurricanes, put up a great fight, and their park was more my style, but it wasn't 'WOW' enough for a H2H final IMO. Perfect, yes. Awe-Inspiring, no. -
Murdock Offline
I voted for Germans....
I don't know, maybe it was national pride.
In fact, both parks didn't make me think "WOW".
They were both ok and that's all. -
Kumba Offline
Well if you want to vote German go for us! our parks a germen theme, why go with a teams name over a theme? Next season im gona call my team something people will like so we can grap extra votes. -
GigaForce Offline
Cork, maybe it is that i have a slow computer, but that First dive loop after the big look on the Blue coaster, that train was definately crawling when it came out of it. There were just way too many brakes and the 2nd half of the ride was very slow.
Maybe it is my computer though, i dont know. This thing sucks -
artist Offline
[font="arial"]No, it is not your computer, the coaster crawled at that point on my screen too, it's not a huge flaw but it is a flaw, the only thing that let the duelers down imo.[/font]Cork, maybe it is that i have a slow computer, but that First dive loop after the big look on the Blue coaster, that train was definately crawling when it came out of it. There were just way too many brakes and the 2nd half of the ride was very slow.
posix Offline
hmm, wow.
i don't know, but for some reason götheburg doesn't reach me too much. i think it's the collision of style idealisms that gets me. the duellers duelled well, they went through some lovely landscaping and i could never do coasters like that. i still felt they were really slow in places and i didn't like the lifthill and the queue line at all. to me it didn't fit whatsoever.
as for the rest of the park, it's very lovely. especially the queue lines. i loved the one piece of queue path continued with normal path. i'm afraid i might copy this in one of my upcoming projects
what about the sunk exit huts? i looks like rides can't be fixed? i did this in my hi-rollers entry. or was it hi-rollers? well, i think so. thing is, rides can't be fixed with sunk exit huts unless the spot where the mechanic exits the ride after fixing is not underground. so i got the "Shussfeuer still hasn't been fixed" message over and over. hurts the quality of the park, unfortunately
and interesting part for me was the naming, really. if this should become a fad then it would be very beneficial for me
minor spelling mistakes here and there, like on "Shussfeuer" which should be "Schussfeuer", because as stupid as it is, but in german, a "sh" is "sch". we don't have "sh" like... at all.
anyway, i thought "Turm der Angst" was a very nice and reminded me of "Mystery Castle", a freefall ride in the german park "Phantasialand" which is pretty much exactly like that. some of the naming was very strong, like "Reitergarde". some other was more of a laugh, like "Kriemhild" or "Bier & Würste"
still, a good park. but not perfect, in my opinion.
and Kumba, seriously, you've got your arse open wide talking that shit about grabbing votes, right? -
mantis Offline
How can Faraway Tree featuring so-called 'borrowed ideas' be a bad thing?! Gah! This is something I really don't understand.
Croky - I don't think the psychology of a park should play a part in judging how good it is, really. Obviously people haven't been 'deceived' in the way you think they may have been, because most people are moaning about Faraway Tree's lack of originality (quite unreasonably in my view). I see it as a highly innovative work, and i'd give the makers props for trying something like that. -
iris Offline
I have to disagree with you again. Erwindale Forest when it came out, was an entire park with a set theme. Not only did it formally introduce the split coaster into LL, but it really served as a park. It had a supporting coaster, different smaller parts to make up for a general theme. It also had that unique freefall ride, like several different attractions. With Erwindale Forest, Ed came up with a brand new theme (that this one kinda borrows) and themed it the way that he builds. He invented a new style of theming that he uses with all of his parks...it's just how he builds, like...that's how Ed would build an enchanted village, just like it's how you would build the City of God area in your new park...you're not trying purposely to do things that are new...it's just how you envisioned it and you knew what you wanted to accomplish. The Faraway Tree was just way too unoriginal for me. I know this part kinda confused you when I said this, but let me elaborate. It felt to me...as if the parkmakers behind this park brainstormed and were thinking 'what are the gimmicks that usually win in these kinda events...let's thrown them all into one park'. We've seen the big overgrown trees before (in the aformentioned Erwindale Forest....and then again in Bayfront Parc....and then again in that rctfreak park he released....and then again in natelox's Hi-Rollers Entry Earth...and then again in YOUR Disney's Movie Magic. (I could keep going with the 'and then...'s but I think I made my point). We've seen the cloud idea in Ghost Cell Crisis...which wasn't too far ago, not to mention I remember Gymkid showing screens of the same idea as this. We've seen a thousand of these adventure rides that fill up an entire map that don't do anything new (like I said...the vertical drop from the clouds was in Ghost Cell)...like someone cloned an adventure coaster about three months ago and we've just been seeing the same ones over and over again. The architecture was all very reminiscent of Fright Nights...same patterns and same textures, even borrowing the overgrown foliage thing.Easy man. I voted for Gotheberg. This in my opinion was gimmick vs. pure skill. Gotheberg did everything it set out to do completely perfectly to me. The duelers were tremendous, the theming was surreal, and the architecture was spot on. Not to mention the perfect atmosphere the whole park had. Fatha', you were the one talking about gimmicks in the Pro Tour voting, but come on. No doubt, The Faraway Tree rocks. But one of these is as close to subtle RCT perfection, and the other is a somewhat sloppy, unfinished looking, borrowed, but flashy entry. In most rounds I think the Faraway Tree would have dominated, but Gotheberg epitomizes RCT beauty here. If we continue to pick flashier parks that aren't as skillfully done, then we are going to be left with a site full of hollow parkmakers that do everything for the first glance look only. I loved Gotheberg, number three H2H of this year for me, behind Cajamarca and Ghost Cell, and right before Aviera Cove.
Great job Hurricanes.
Well, if Faraway tree was a gimmick, then so was Erwindale Forest.
This vote is easy for me, and its easy for the same reason Erwindale was for me (Although I dont know if Erwindale went up against a good park). Gotheburg was in no way RCT perfection, but it was VERY good. The theming was good (Im not as blown away by it as others are), and everybody saying that they took an original approach to the park is bogus imo. If I may recall, medievalistic themes have been done in the past, and if Faraway steals ideas then this does as well.
Here is why Faraway Tree is FAR better than Gotheburg:
- Originality: Yes both have been done before, but how on earth is a medieval village more original then a fanciful tree poking through clouds, housing a coaster that not only reaches the clouds but dives to the trees roots.
- Effort and Planning: Gotheburg looks like it could have been planned in one day, constructed in say....1 month. Faraway looks like it took REAL planning (IE, whether or not to add clouds, a city in the clouds, architecture on the tree, design of the coaster and which parts of the tree it weaves through, etc etc).
- Coasters: The Dueler is good, but Faraway's coaster is just more skillfully done (Also it is an adventure ride, so I guess u cant compare the two). The land interaction (SEE the loop) is good, the ascent and descent into the clouds is good, and the interaction it has with the entire H2H map is phenomenal.
- Theming: Again, I just can't spot the incredible theming in Gotheburg. It is good, but we have seen better (See Aviara Cove). The castles in the clouds, little architecture on the actual tree, and root system is phenomenal. Its no contest here in my mind.
If i were rating the two parks, Gothburg would probably get a 7 maybe 8/10 and Faraway Tree would get a 9.5/10. It just not close in my mind.
Now I don't think it's wrong to borrow ideas to make parks. People borrow others all the time. Fatha' invented a whole style of parkmaking that's been copied by many, as has X-Sector, as has mantis, RRP, natelox, posix, Mala, Pyro, SA, etc. etc. etc. It's just that this park has so many borrowed ideas that they didn't leave any for their own. It looks to me like a park that was built with the sole purpose of getting votes, instead of a park that was built to be good...regardless. So while the premise of the Faraway Tree is much more original then a German village, the actual park isn't. I myself will take a damn awesome set of dueling B&M Mulit-Elements with perfect timing, great speed, perfect support structures, and awesome layouts over the average run of the mill adventure ride any day. I'll take original architecture that we've never seen in a German style park over seeing Phatage's for the second time. I'd rather enjoy the peaceful, surreal, and pretty realistic atmosphere that Gotheburg produces then the rushed 'let's shove a million fantasy things in one park' atmosphere I get from the Faraway Tree.
Wow...it really seems like I'm bashing The Faraway Tree...and I don't mean to be. I love this park as well, when I first got it from Cork I knew it would be a close match-up cause it's style vs. substance to me. I just feel Gotheberg is quite easily the better park...and seeing it losing made me feel compelled to make this gigantic anti-Flying Germans rant. Believe me...if there was a way to pick against Kumba and feel good about it....I'd be the first one to do so. But this one's just too lopsided for me. Still, great job to all who participated in this round.
Jacko Shanty Offline
Oh God I can't believe this quote. First you appear to be detracting from The Faraway Tree because you are too lazy to rotate the view. That pretty much negates your opinion. Secondly, I could equally say that if GCC were on flat land it would only be decent. And if I did, i'd sound as ridiculous as you do. Because the whole point of these parks is that they AREN'T on flat land. How else would you have the stunning multi-level coasters and waterfalls? How else could you portray alternative dimensions or immensely tall trees? I find it extraordinary that you could think something like that.
Um.. yeah I'm not stupid? How else would they be able to even build some of those things if they didn't rotate the view? The annoying part was that you could only view everything from one angle. You ask for alternative dimensions? Then they should have made the land lower, so it could at least be VIEWED in other dimensions. And the whole land elevation thing seemed like it was just there to enhance the "wow factor." It is impressive to look at, because I easily fall for gimmicks - but the tree could have easily been built without the land elevation - who says trees need to be built on mountains to grow really tall? It's pretty unrealistic actually, seeing as how trees die when their roots are exposed after a long period of time. -
JKay Offline
Wow. Deja vu. (of last weeks match up)
I seriously can't believe the Germans are winning now. People must be voting from overviews again. shame. -
artist Offline
[font="arial"]Neither can i, i mean how? Maybe becuase we have an awful lot of new guys here at NE lately, also can non - members (guests) vote?[/font]Wow. Deja vu. (of last weeks match up)
I seriously can't believe the Germans are winning now. People must be voting from overviews again. shame. -
Roomie Offline
I went for the germans myself (and yes i did look at the park)
It seemed alot more complete to me and the trees were awesome -
Janus Offline
I think this is a great match-up, but the choice wasn't very hard for me.
First, there's Faraway Tree, which looks suspiciously like it's a modified version of Fright Nights (VERY similar landscaping and some of the theming). The architecture was just like the brilliant mansion in Fright Nights, but overdone and generally quite boring. Foilage didn't look very thought-thru, or atleast not well executed. Clouds and stuff were OK, but for a story-driven park (which this looks like it is), I really would have liked the story to be at least hinted at in the park. Now it just looks kinda thought together, as if the theme was more of an afterthought. There was something off about the whole thing.
Götheborg however (which is the name of a Swedish city) was just amazing. Fantastic duelers, wonderful interaction, and I quite liked the lifts and all that. Beautiful foilage, very realistic and accurately European. Fantastic attention to detail too.
But generally it was how it all came together that really decided it for me. The composition of the park is just unbelievably good. The duelers stand out without looking like they don't belong in the park, and the atmosphere is immense. Great job to whoever built this.
So, I vote Hurricanes. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Umm, at the risk of sounding ignorant (which apparently I am) what's Fright Nights? -
Phatage Offline
I guess this has become my advertisment thread. X, you really have made some great caliber stuff, but there's better parkmakers to rip off of. You even stole my elephant.
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