RCT Discussion / Scenarios

  • mantis%s's Photo
    So the scenarios making appearances in the ad. district have made me wonder what scenarios i've completed - what about you?

    The ones i've got saved at completion are:
    Barony Bridge
    Bumbly Beach
    Diamond Heights
    Dynamite Dunes
    Forest Frontiers
    Future World
    Katie's Dreamland
    Leafy Lake
    Mothball Mountain
    Pokey Park
    Vertigo Views
    Whispering Cliffs
    White Water Park

    not sure which were my favourites...probably Whispering Cliffs, Pokey Park and Mothball Mountain cos they were quite small and challenging. I hated the restrictions on Barony Bridge.

    I've a mind to play some more scenarios!
  • sloB%s's Photo
    none, unfortunatley. :(

    i had all my finished ll scenarios on my old laptop which died out a year or so ago. it sucks, because i wish i could go back and check those things out again. soooo much fun. really, i think that was the most fun i ever had with rct, my time before ne.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    I don't have any saved, but I remember I used to play Forest frontiers and bumbly beach, and I'd try to make them look like the parks that are on the back of the box.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Back in the day I finished all the rct and rct/cf sceanarios and I got about half way though the LL ones too.

    By the time I got to the LL ones I was pretty sick of the game though and when rct2 came out I thought that would renew the interest. It didn't because with the exception of the one with the castle and the farm developement one all the sceanarios SUCKED in rct2. So I found the community at TN when I downloaded a park by SFGadavking (yeshli2nuts) and I figured I could do better than that. I'm not sure if I did for a long time but that's what go me started. Then someone started a thread about other rct sites (I think?) and Ne was one of the links. Yeah, that's how I got here and the sceanaro's I've beaten.

    Sorry for rambling.

  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Haha. i think i've finished them all, but just recently i played Thunder Rock, gave myself 50,000 more cash and made it into something beautiful. Maybe i'll post it =P.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    I think I did most of CF, and quite a bit of RCT and LL. I think I beat about 7 in RCT2. I just remember that I'd beaten a lot of RCT1 at some point, and then when I was waiting for RCT2 I started beating a lot of the RCT1 scenarios again. I made some fun parks during that period. I really enjoyed the one I made in Barony Bridge. The one where you couldn't build above the treeline was pretty interesting.

    But I'm not entirely sure of exactly which ones I've done, since I reinstalled both so many times, and neither currently run on the computer I would play the scenarios on. I know I at least did the ones Mantis listed, except I'm not sure about Mothball Mountain or Pokey Park.

    I've partially beaten one on RCT3. :rolleyes:
  • Steve%s's Photo
    I remember waaaaaaaay back when I knew nothing of New Element, I used to love the scenarios. Pretty sure I completed all of the normal RCT1's, and about half of the RCT2 ones. I should get back into them, they're great fun.
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    I finished all of the scenarios from RCT to RCT 2...
    I am a loser.

  • Janus%s's Photo
    I finished some of them, but I had so much fun playing some of them over and over that I never really got very far.
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    that must have been long before i knew that there was something called the internet :lol:

    i still remember some of the scenarios without time limitation. my computer was running all day long to get money and the next day i build "great parks". i at least thought they'd be great, but in fact they were really bad, but it was lots of fun playing the scenarios those days.
    there was only one thing i didn't like about it. i got a new computer when i almost finished all scenarios of LL and then had to start again.
  • Murdock%s's Photo
    I finished all RCT Scenarios and it was fun.
    The CF-Scenarios were finished except 5 and the LL-Scenarios almost all, except the "Nevermore Park".
    I even managed to finish the 3 Real-Parks (Alton Towers, Heide-Park and Blackpool Pleasure Beach), these 3 parks were really difficult.

    My favorite Scenarios are:
    Bumbly Beach
    Diamond Heights
    Mel's World
    Mystic Mountains
    Haunted Harbour
    and a few more....I don't have the time now to sum them up.
  • REspawn%s's Photo
    All RCT, CF, LL, II, III scenarios.

    I'm a geek.
  • trav%s's Photo
    I finished 2 scenarios, Forest Frontiers and Crater Lake, but my favorite scenarios were Bumbly Beach, Dynamite Dunes, Diamond Heights and Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    I've never even touched an RCT 2 scenario, but I've finished every RCT 1/CF/LL scenario.

    Back in the day, I used to play those like mad. I remember actually getting up early in the morning before school to get half an hour or 45 minutes of RCT playing done. :D
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    I think I had completed all rct 1 scenarios (no CF/LL scenarios)..

    My favourites were/are:

    1) Forest Frontiers- This is where it all begun... I started with the demo, and was sold from minute 1... Now I just had to save money for the full version with all coasters available!

    2) Diamond Heights: Wow, I still love this park... The simplicity, the charming atmosphere... This is where the real fun began....

    3) Mel's World: If I remember correctly, this was the one with the nice invert...lol

    4)White Water Park: Great water rides :D

    Can't remember the rest too well, unfortunately...
    Still, these days were some great times.

  • mantis%s's Photo
    White Water Park was quite cool...I started Urban Park yesterday - it's annoying having to buy all the construction rights etc.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    My fave is Funtopia, which I just finished today. I'm now onto Arid Heights.
  • Silenced%s's Photo

    I've never even touched an RCT 2 scenario, but I've finished every RCT 1/CF/LL scenario.

    Back in the day, I used to play those like mad.  I remember actually getting up early in the morning before school to get half an hour or 45 minutes of RCT playing done.  :D

    HAHA! I did the exact same thing. I never touched the RCT2 ones, but I did finish the entire RCT1 set from the Original to LL.

    I remember my triple dualer... Mmm. I'd like to build another one day.
  • Darobat%s's Photo
    I've done most of the RCT1/CF/LL scenarios and I've done about 6 or 7 of the RCT2 ones. They're pretty fun too.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    I've never even touched an RCT 2 scenario, but I've finished every RCT 1/CF/LL scenario.

    Back in the day, I used to play those like mad.  I remember actually getting up early in the morning before school to get half an hour or 45 minutes of RCT playing done.  :D

    I used to do that too. But it was back in elementary school when getting up at 6:30 meant I had an hour- hour and a half to play. Now I have to get up at 6:20 just to catch the bus. *sigh* I make up for it in the evenings though.

    My favorite sceanorios being:

    Forest Frontiers, Bumbly Beach, Leafy Lake, Diamond Heights, Enchanted Harbor and Funtopia, if I remember correctly.



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