(Archive) Advertising District / Project Anarchy RCT2
- 12-April 05
cg? Offline
So cg? didn't respond.
Who else wants it then? Anyone, please?
Well, I didn't respond here, but I did send Trav a PM with my email very shortly after he asked for it, and also posted my Email in a topic in this very forum ("The CG Testing Service"), so, I would have that it was enough. But, I never got it, so, whatever. -
jon Offline
The lack of organisation is kinda my fault as I did not ensure I had everyone's contact details before it started.
Could everyone who is still willing to be part of this, please PM with your email adress, unless you have done so already. I have recieved PM's from a very small number of people but I have no means of contacting the majority. -
deanosrs Offline
My email address is ss4935[at]bris.ac.uk. If I don't get it within the next week I won't be able to take part as I'm working throughout the summer. -
deanosrs Offline
I haven't got it yet. Please send it to deanosrs{at}manutdfans.com or ss4935{at}bris.ac.uk . Obviously replace the {at} with @, I just put those in to protect myself from spam. -
deanosrs Offline
Got it. I'm a little dissapointed someone decided to block off an entire area, but other than that it's certainly interesting. I didn't feel like themeing the coaster or continuing another area so since its so early on with this park I just thought I'd cover some more ground. I'm trying to have as much fun with this as possible and basically when I'm done this is going to be the weirdest thing in any park ever... -
egg_head Offline
could i get this after deanosrs?
n could someone post a screen of this project cos i just wanna see it!
it has to be so wicked -
jon Offline
I don't know why I blocked my section of exactly. I never planned my area and just built randomly and that's what I managed to create. I'm not too happy with the blocking either but couldn't be bothered to remove it. If you want, feel free to release that section or if not, I'll do it myself when I get the park back. -
Blitz Offline
oooh, so you messed with the game in order to get people to not mess with it? That's rather underhanded, jon, and defeats the purpose of this collab.
Someone please give it to jon so that he may remove the block, or someone who can remove the block, please get in touch with whoever has the park, and do the honors yourself.
And jon, you aren't supposed to "get it back". It's a one time deal, and the park will be done once everyone has had their one stab at it. That's how it's supposed to go. -
Blitz Offline
my mistake, i thought it was a once over thing... which makes more sense than twice over (to me atleast).
Even if it is a twice over, I highly doubt the point of such would be to "finish what you started", which is what jon probably initially hoped for when blocking off the section. -
deanosrs Offline
Let's put it this way. I shall be "interfering" with the section in question. No deleting, obviously, but I might (if it's ok) change how you did the hack because it breaks down all the time atm. Ie, just changing it to a steel twister track ride in the station then hacking it onto the mine track. Then people won't have to run that annoying "rct breakdown" utility or whatever it's called.
Off to work on this. Will be back with a screen in an hour (if that's ok). -
jon Offline
Blitz, I don't intend on finishing off what I started, just removing an element of it which I am unhappy with. I'll build something different when it is my turn again.
Deano, thanks for doing that. I'm quite a novice at hacks so I couldn't overcome the constant breakdowns.
I think either egg_head or cg? should have it next deano. Send it on next wednesday. -
egg_head Offline
give it cg? first cos im in prag now for a week and there is the protou n stuff...
in two or three weeks maybe.
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