RCT Discussion / Joe Holland's IoA

  • yyo%s's Photo
    Yeah, I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't seem to find it.

    So if anyone has it, which I'm sure someone does, PM me.
  • Janus%s's Photo
    I´ve been curious about this park too... If anyone has it, PM me too :)
  • posix%s's Photo
    i lost the link to the danimation spotlights page. isn't it in there?
  • REspawn%s's Photo
    it doesn't appear on google anymore... :(
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I have it, just pm me with you're e-mail adress and I'll send it to you when I get home. :)

  • yyo%s's Photo
    Don't worry guys, posix sent it to me.

    Ride6 (or posix), do you have of Greeg Reese's parks? (besides hershey park)

    Sorry, I've just been looking for these rec.'s for a long time.

    EDIT: link to the danimation spotlights. None of the parks I'm looking for, though.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    JH's IOA is awsome, I think I like IOAGuys better tho, I wish he was still around, his work really amazed me back in the day, but I think the best overall re-creation was CP by Greg Resse, good luck finding it, im just going by memory here...

    Here's the DL to IOAGuy's IOA
  • trav%s's Photo
    I'm gonna sound stupid after this, but what is Danimation?
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I've got three versions of Joe Holland's IOA - RCT, CF, and LL. I've also got all of Greg Reese's parks. I've got some geocities space I can put them on. So I'll post links either tonight or sometime tomorrow.

    Which reminds me, I was looked for the Swiss Army Knife trainer earlier and couldn't find it. Or at least I couldn't find a version that would work with LL. Was there ever such a version? I can't remember anymore.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I feel like its 2001 all over again... yeah TRG had one for LL Ed, aint got a version of it tho.
  • posix%s's Photo
    trg ll worked only under 98, as far as i know.
    i never knew there was an ll version of holland's ioa though. i only have the rct and cf. if you could host it somewhere ed that'd be great.
  • Nic%s's Photo

    I'm gonna sound stupid after this, but what is Danimation?

    The site that basically started the spotlight good and proper.

    Then it died after Dan banned people.

    Oh well.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I have Joe Holland's IoA. All you needed to do was go download the Rctgl program and the park was in the extended folder.

    Heres the download for Joe Holland's IoA
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Don't worry guys, posix sent it to me.

    Ride6 (or posix), do you have of Greeg Reese's parks? (besides hershey park)

    Sorry, I've just been looking for these rec.'s for a long time.

    EDIT: link to the danimation spotlights. None of the parks I'm looking for, though.

    I don't know...

    I know I have a few great recs but I downloaded most of them from RCT Station back in the day... Still have them though (yay for back up folders). I know the Cedar Point rec I have is pretty good and I think the BGW I have was his too but I can't be sure on either account.

  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Alright, here they are. I've gots lots of other good RCT1 parks, but these are what people asked for. It's a geocities site so it'll probably run out of bandwidth quick. If it says that, just try again tomorrow.

    Greg Reese Parks
    Joe Holland IOA Trifecta
  • iris%s's Photo
    Bleh. Joe Holland was overrated IMO. His only decent park was Generations, and parks like SF New Mexico & IOA were glorified for some stupid reason. Sandia Peaks sucked too.

    Just kidding Ed...figure you probably just had a heart attack. Yes, Joe Holland is top 3 or 4 ever.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Well, you're talking about 5 years later. None of it is too impressive 5 years later. Especially the original IOA. But this stuff was coming out before there was such a thing as architecture in RCT. Before SACoasterFreak's parks. There were stalls, and then there was what Joe Holland and Greg Reese were doing. They invented the ground rules for just about every park made today. And I still say SFNM was a masterpiece. Better than any Danimation spotlight - with the exception of Mala's stuff. Sandia Peaks, less so, but still brilliant. Maybe you have to have made a recreation park to really appreciate what he did with the game. It presents a whole different set of challenges than fantasy parkmaking does.

    D'oh! Iris, you bastard. Got me with the hidden text trick. I guess that's payback for my little April 1st stunt huh? :lol: :lol:
  • yyo%s's Photo
    Thanks Ed :) Much Appreciated.
  • YetiGKM%s's Photo
    Man, those were the old days...

    I remember Joe had a few other parks that werent recreations and I cant seem to find them anywhere. I'm not talking about Sandia, Generations, or his Six Flags park. It was something othere then those. I wish I knew what they were. I think he did some work with Liquid Crash besides Generations too, but I'm not quite sure.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    He did a small oriental themed park with a quadruple dueling woodie. Maybe that's what you're thinking of. I've got that too if you want it. Don't know what else he might have made with LC though.


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