(Archive) Advertising District / Montrer Sparthus
- 30-March 05
Hexiage Offline
yes, i'm building a park...
but i haven't got any ideas for a coaster or other things at the moment...
a market
coaster -
JKay Offline
Well, I can't say I like any of this, but I can say that I've seen worse. I think its the foliage and blocky paths that really bring this down. Your themes make no sense to me. You use the same walls / windows for each area's architecture just with different colors which I dont understand. The architecture forms arent bad, but nothing really special either. It all feels very stale; almost like its outdated or been done countless times before. I admire the effort, but I'm really not liking this too much at all. -
iGNiTED Offline
hey man. its a great start, considering that you are a nooB...but hey, its way better than my first park i posted.
http://forums.nedesi...39&hl=hero land
it really sucked.
but your park doesnt really hold my attention for very long. yes its a good start, but i think you could get much better. especially if you hang around this site for a while. it will help you become a better parkmaker. good luck man. -
OhioCoasteRFreaK36 Offline
its definetly the trees....I think the choices are bad for the "themes" and they arent thick enough they are just...there. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
You guys are so harsh. I think it's a great start - and I mean, you definitely have style. Though nothing amazing so far, I can tell that you're going to improve if you keep at it. Try organizing your themes a little better so they don't seem so close together. Also, make sure to recolor the tarmac under your paths - something like the brownish sand would work well. -
Scorchio Offline
I DO like the multi-level roofing in the second shot, and the fountain at the entrance is nice, somewhat abstract due to the edges not meeting, but it's good. -
Hexiage Offline
i'm very happy about your posts!the trees: which other things i can took there?
i'm going to take your ideas in my park... -
posix Offline
die gedanken die mir durch den kopf schwirren, wenn ich die screens angucke sind, dass es doch stark einfach gebaut ist, ein paar gebäude, ein paar wege, und dann bäume drum. es scheint kaum eine idee hinter dem zu stecken was du baust. das ist aber nicht schlecht. viele fangen so an. und irgendwo muss man irgendwie anfangen. also bau einfach weiter und mal sehen was du erreichen kannst.
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