RCT Discussion / What's your definition of a Spotlight?

Which do you think is more appropriate?

  • Ride6%s's Photo

    There's a natural curve that goes with time anyway. Look at the earliest DNET spotlights compared to the later ones and the earliest NE spotlights.

    So true. I agree that the standard should remain about where it is, going slowly up as it has for years. Of course there is one person that IMO surpasses any curve, Mala. Moutain Beach is far more interesting than about 95% of the parks that are coming out now and it's ancient. I mean just look at the list, Cydonia is all the way up at #9 and it's from DNet. Personally I find Mt.Sin to be the greatest park of all time and it's quite old itself. I think Iris forgot this guy when he mentioned the spotlight-capible people, then again it goes without saying. :D

    I think we're going to have a surge of spotlights here in about 6 months or so as a whole pile of those parks that are being advertised now are finished, at least a few of them should be worthy. If every spotlight was legendary, none of them would be; at least compaired to eachother.

  • Micool%s's Photo
    Hey Panic, major props on the in depth post. It was well written and made several good observations. I completely agree that the way spotlights are chosen is nearly perfect and of course you are going to have spotlights of varying degrees of skill. I think almost everyone agrees that's the case. With that said I think everyone's forgetting the reason we are having this discussion in the first place. I think the backlash from the community upon the release of Artist's rather good looking park was not because it was weaker then a spotlight ought to be....in fact it seems the general concensus is that it is comparible to Turtle's Bijou Magique in most departments. Note: Turtle's park was welcomed with open arms and generally revered. What happened was Corkscrewer EXPILCITY declared that the qualifications for the spotlight were going to be much tougher. Well I completely disagree with the decree but the idea of the poll was that Cork was changing the way spotlights have always been chosen which seems to be a good idea in most people's opinion. So my thought is Cork can choose the spotlights but yo Cork, don't try to raise the bar if a..everyone liked it where it was, and b..you are going to choose spotlights that clearly aren't any more magical than the average spotlight. I am speaking of Ports of Magia which is obviously spotlight worthy upon the old system but not the new one you're trying to implant.

    Love, Michael :wub:
  • trav%s's Photo
    I voted B as I would then have a chance of getting one in the next 10 years...
  • postit%s's Photo
    You're playing for the wrong reasons.^

    I voted A, but after reading the entire thread, I think we should keep things the way they are. Some spotlights are weaker than others, and that's the way it's always been. At the same time, I think that if there is ever doubt in deciding after viewing a park, it's automatically out for that reason. I don't know, I think we should keep it like it is now, and slightly up the standards. I really don't know, I could go both ways.


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