RCT Discussion / Whats your favourite coaster/ ride to build in RCT

  • Scorchio%s's Photo

    i like building the ones that go whooosh, baby.  i don't really like roller coasters actualy

    My vaccuum cleaner makes a whooshing sound... maybe you like to build those too?
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    Im bored.... Ima go through my favorites and least favorites and give my opinion on it...

    *Floorless / Sitdown = These are the headliners of a park, so i like these best. They can be huge, small, long, short, and still make a great ride. Plus, they can have giant elements so they seem intimidating.

    *Wooden = This is the best coaster to build on extreme terrains. They also are noisy, and I love that about them in RCT. The thing I don't like about them is I think they look like shit when overthemed. Most of my woodies I throw in forests.

    * Inverted / SLC = Beemers are the best inverted ride to build, only because you can make monstrous rides with them (Like Acancounga, its HUGE). The SLC's are only good for short and intense rides, so I usually don't build those. They still look cool.

    *Giga / Hyper = The most spectacular coasters when made right (Shit, see the Nevis collection). I still regard the Giga in ALE as the most incredible coaster Ive seen. They are a bit hard to make tho, as you have to have the right amount of airtime and turns. Pacing is also very important with these.


    * Togos = They are pointless. They are far too intense (U cant have one with 5 or more inversions), they look fugly (fuckin ugy), and the trains are hideous.

    * Heartline = Haha. No turns. Right. Good for theming tho ;).

    * Side Friction = Bah... the 30's are gone. Again, its good for theming tho.

    * Steeplechase = The stupidest ride on earth. The horses are good for theming tho.
  • Marshy%s's Photo

    Good for theming tho .

    Again, its good for theming tho.

    The horses are good for theming tho.

    So technically you like to build those coaster too :)
  • Scorchio%s's Photo

    Good for theming tho .

    Again, its good for theming tho.

    The horses are good for theming tho.

    So technically you like to build those coaster too :)

    Well... technically he's not building those COASTERS, more manipulating their trackwork to create architecture...
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Grr. I was trying to sound smart. Now I look dumb.
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    ^ Sorry - I too was trying to sound smart... now I kinda look dumb :'(
  • cg?%s's Photo

    * Side Friction = Bah... the 30's are gone. Again, its good for theming tho.

    * Steeplechase = The stupidest ride on earth. The horses are good for theming tho.


    Both Side Friction and Steeplechase are wonderful rides, provided you bother to actually use them properly! But, of course, you're probably incapable of that...

    Go look at some good parks, huh? I think, what was it? My goodness... I feel like an old man. Hmm... "Land of song and dance" was it? Or something else by whoever did that...


    Well, I lost all of my old SV4s, and have more recently lost my RCT disc (Mom thinks she threw it out, :( [but I'll probably get a new one soon]), and apparently, have also lost my memory. But one of those parks has a really amazing Steeplechase, if I do remember properly (and I wouldn't trust that I am, honestly), and a lot of other parks from that period have some great Side Friction rides, too.

    What about the Reverser though? That's probably my favorite after the SLC, and, actually I think there's a great one of those in the same park, right? I don't think anyone uses that for anything anymore, though.

    Actually, I think if somebody built a park with one of those in it, and it was even halfway decent, I'd have to love it, purely on principle. Anyways...
  • Blind Guardian%s's Photo
    B&M Floorless. They are beautiful and allow you to create a 'flowing' layout without too much intensity.

    I hate the rest of coasters besides wooden ones. Momentarily especially B&M inverted coasters. A pain in the ass.

  • gir%s's Photo
    ^ Ah, yeah. Inverts are killer to make. However, when done properly I think they look the best and are the most fun to watch.
  • MachChunk 2%s's Photo
    My coaster making is alot better then my theming. I used to build tracks on CoasterBuzz. :p I usually like making woodie's and B&M's. But recently I really enjoy making SLC's, there fun to hack.
  • Fatha'%s's Photo


    Both Side Friction and Steeplechase are wonderful rides, provided you bother to actually use them properly! But, of course, you're probably incapable of that...

    Go look at some good parks, huh? I think, what was it? My goodness... I feel like an old man. Hmm... "Land of song and dance" was it? Or something else by whoever did that...


    I do use them properly... I add them to themed buildings, make gazebos, put horses in stables...they really are wonderful.

    As for incapable...well.... ur talking :lol:
  • GRAVITY RIDE%s's Photo
    My favorite types are giga and floorless. Giga, for the awesome ratings, floorless because I can make them long without breaking ratings. I've made a 6 mile one that looks like spaghetti noodles. The ride time is so long, that the game asks me to check whether the coaster is stuck or has stalled.
  • Highball%s's Photo
    Water Coasters. I love making a traditional dark ride using the water track and suddenly sending my guests down a steep drop and into several helixes and bunny hops.

    It's the suprise factor, basically.
  • Janus%s's Photo
    I dislike making all coasters, really.


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