RCT Discussion / 6 YEARS!

  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Well guys i remember getting RCT a few days before my birthday, a few days after it came out in 1999. my birthday is this wednesday this year so around now (roughly) we have been playing RCT for 6 whole years.... 6.....

    anyone else find that slightly freaky? or just me?

    lol.... happy birthday everyone (in a strange kinnda way)
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    Ya... whenever Star Wars Episode 1 came out + 1 week was when I first played it. Which was March of 1999. So ya, it's been over 6 years. Damn. Lots of stuff has gone on. Changes, both in real life (who knew i'd be engaged by the time i was just outta hs?) and in the game itself n stuff. lots of good times, and bad, lol.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    6 years of good times, good memories....only 3 for me tho...
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    Ya... whenever Star Wars Episode 1 came out + 1 week was when I first played it. Which was March of 1999. So ya, it's been over 6 years. Damn. Lots of stuff has gone on. Changes, both in real life (who knew i'd be engaged by the time i was just outta hs?) and in the game itself n stuff. lots of good times, and bad, lol.

    Star Wars came out in May. I got RCT in April. Damn I feel old. :lol:
  • artist%s's Photo
    Man 3 years at the commuinity for me.

    And about 6 years of playing RCT.

    WOW, hmmm lets see if i can get about another 10 years out the game ;)
  • jon%s's Photo
    I've had about four/five years playing the game. Most of that was just playing the LL scenarios though.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I'm such a n00b...
  • posix%s's Photo
    6 years. 5 for me, i believe, 3 at ne. happy birthday rct, heh.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo

    [font="tahoma"]6 years. 5 for me, i believe, 3 at ne. happy birthday rct, heh.[/font]

    same....... :D
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    6 years. Haha, we need to find new hobbies :(

    j/k :angel:
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Boy, you said it Blitz. ;)
  • Evil WME%s's Photo

    6 years.  Haha, we need to find new hobbies :(

    j/k :angel:

    whahaha. :lol:
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Boy, you said it Blitz.  ;)

    nah. Many people will go with the same hobby for years.


    About 5 for me. I bought rct in a two-pack with Corkscrew Follies in the spring of 2000...

    Didn't really get into the community until roughly 2 years ago though. NE for the last year and a half.

  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Maybe 3 years for me. My first year here, but I've been in the community for about 2.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    I've been playing LL for about four years, but I played the original rct for a few months just doing the scenarios. Then I got LL for christmas in '01 and started doing megaparks. Most of them really sucked, though, and they were all realistic. I've been with NE for a little over a year now.
  • Drew%s's Photo
    I've been playing since a couple of months before the release of LL and I'm still not bored playing it. :)
  • CedarPoint6%s's Photo
    Hmmm... well I got RCT slightly after it came out and RCT2 two days before it was 'officially' released, so I guess I've been going since then... Of course I've only gottern into 'real' rct in the past two years.

    But here's to six more years of RCT!
  • CP Freak Jon%s's Photo
    Wow, 6 years, huh? That's kind of cool that a lot of us have been playing it for that long. I remember playing "Theme Park" before that, since I believe 1995... time sure flies, doesn't it?


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