RCT Discussion / Plea For Parks

  • mantis%s's Photo
    I'm after parks by:

    Possibly even Kevin H for shits and giggles.

    This is the RCTUK people I need help from (Turtle for your parks, and possibly the others...Nic? Kai possibly?)

    Anyway, thanks. I have all of Nic's old parks (if Nic's not around to give them to you) and, thanks to Twisted, most of Sir Spam's stuff too (RCTStation stuff).

    And don't anyone offer me JC parks or I will kill you :p

    The Andy247 stuff would be mint, though, especially Dynamo Heights.

    (ooh and the old school LL woodie survivor wouldn't go amiss, especially seeing as it's a coaster I made that I don't have any more).

    (ooh and SV4Land! Conspiracy Mark One and Two?! The theme-the-coaster contest! That's more work of mine I don't have any more, my amazon themed coaster! And my 'Devil May Care' hell-themed invert...oh my god the memories)

    (omg WARDEE! I hated that guy lol)



    Learn, people, LEARN
    Don't need Turtle parks any more: Find them at The Evil One's old site

    (which reminds me...omg Spritefm where are you! Possibly the first person I ever really loved :p)
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    Wardee: That dude with the weird eye avatar.

    Sv4land... ha, oh man is that old... but still great. I still haven't found Spatulaland if anyone has that... I'd love to look at that again.
  • Twisted%s's Photo
    Ok, i've found the woodie Survivor and i could swear I have Spatulaland.

    Why was I so un-organised back then.

    I've got a 350mb folder with loads of sub folders with all this ancient stuff.
  • Kevin%s's Photo
    That site gave me a lot of memories of how I used to look at RCT.

    Just playing around making 400ft coasters with a million turns.. I miss those days. I wish I was around the community back then.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Heads up for the vintage testudo at the bottom of p27.
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Hey, I've actually heard of Testudo. He used to hang around the Atarii forums when I first joined.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    A New Found Glory, if you're out there, I want those dueling 4Ds I made you (back when you were Dman)!

    Any RCTUK'ers I want that community park with Turtle's Lostprophets duelers!

  • tyandor%s's Photo
    I think you can find some of that stuff here: http://www.rctfusion.com/Turtle.htm
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    ^Ty, that's only the stuff I wanted to be seen!

    Mantis, I remember building those Lost Prophet duelers, they were pretty good at the time. I think I have a million old parks on my system somewhere... if someone can host them i'd be delighted to upload my whole folder.

    I have all the Andy247 parks, Fox's (and one he never finished), Coaster Collins', pretty much all you've asked for.

    Wardee was the first person I ever hated over the internet lol, then Crispy. I still have a picture of the real Spritefm (Jenny) on my comp.

    EDIT - I also have the competition entries from when SV4Central was alive, including a cityscape by Jo that still rivals any i've seen (think Wisconsin, but 5 years earlier), and entries from - Tyler, Andrew247, Cale Reneau, Werewilly (HA! Say hi...), Roger Adams, and a certain loudmouthed nobody called Mantis, who I seem to remember placed 4th out of 5 in this... ;)

    EDIT 2 - I have all the parkwars parks from 2002-2003, some RCTUK compo entries from Joe Holland, Mala and Holy Drool, what i'm pretty sure from the file name is survivor (tonto tribe/ogre tribe - am i right?), a hack made by me (by accident) that I still have never seen done since, i'm pretty sure I showed Mantis this one though, and a heap of other parks that I didnm't recognise at the time (hence them being in my "unknown parks" folder), such as Sandia Peaks, Lake Nadia, Rustic Waters and the best coaster design i've ever seen in a park, ever - Woepsworld.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Hey I want some of this. Mala = :D

    Talk to Chapel about hosting. I'll pm you his AIM sn so you can get ahold of him

  • mantis%s's Photo
    Jem, we need to talk. Especially about the andy stuff. I'll give a shout out to will for you (although i'm not sure he'll remember lol). And Sprite :( My lovely sprite :(
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I tried talking yesterday evening, but you were away... :(

    Catch me now!
  • Nic%s's Photo


    I'm looking through my folder at the moment.

    You can get many of CC's parks off RCT Inc.

    I'm also pretty sure I have the RCTUK Community park as well. MSN or AIM me and reel of some of the parks you need. I think RCT Incs your best hope at the moment however.

    I think you could talk to Jacko maybe as well?
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Jacko is still on my MSN list, I see him online from time to time. So is Urban.


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