RCT Discussion / Death Match 4 (March) VOTING

Death Match 4 (March) VOTING

  • chapelz%s's Photo
    Or not.
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    surely u just see who get to 20 2nd?
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Thats the oppisit of my idea witch is we don't have a new person for the finals because JKay beat them out. So basicly if JKay, Roomie, Junya or OCF win then they can stop more people from makeing the finals.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    You can't just "twik" (tweak) the rules every time. People will get pissed. What's to stop JKay from winning every single time (besides getting his internet disconnected)? I say allow Hobbes and Richie. We'll have a nice host of people in the finals, and for the finals, we can give them a week and make it much more of an grand NE-sponsored contest or something.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    ...I need to go over it with Raven, I just kinda like the idea of the winners being able to "Take out" there competsion, it makes it a real challage to beat them...
  • artist%s's Photo

    Or not.

  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I say give it to the second person that reaches twenty.
  • artist%s's Photo
    That is actually a good idea, which ever one gets to twenty or maybe fifthteen.
  • Richie%s's Photo

    for the record, i voted for richie.

    although the rollercoaster had its faults, i enjoyed, for the most part, its bare layout. my favorite part was the descending turn right after the zero g roll which weaved right under the first drop. nice touch. also, the entrance area, however small and understated it may have been, showed considerable skill. i liked the flower formations and the bridge looked good. basically, i liked richie's for everything it could have been. i imagine this would have looked pretty sick if it were finished.

    :X Thanks for that, slob. The part between the corkscrews sucks, i wanted to change it but i just couldnt get it to look right, and then i ran out of time.

    Here you go http://forums.nedesi...=ST&f=7&t=10079

    And Kumba; hobbes can go through, he lead me for a long time while the votes were still going.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Damnit, I missed this. :(
  • Panic%s's Photo

    Thats the oppisit of my idea witch is we don't have a new person for the finals because JKay beat them out. So basicly if JKay, Roomie, Junya or OCF win then they can stop more people from makeing the finals.

    That's like the RCT version of the French aristocracy preventing the peasants from having any social mobility for centuries. :D
  • rK_%s's Photo
    if its to 15, you've got a 2nd place.
  • hobbes%s's Photo

    And Kumba; hobbes can go through, he lead me for a long time while the votes were still going.

    Even if he doesn't listen to you, I appreciate your generosity!
    Glad everyone like my entry, it did alot better than I thought it would. :)

    I'll comment more thouroughly on everyone's entries once I have looked at them. I was visiting my grandparents today, and so I didn't have any tim on the computer.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Hey guys, thanks for all feedback. I really got deeply focused in this entry and really didn't mean to take as many votes as I did... :p ...oh, and slob, I'd love to get some coaster-building tips from you sometime. Its still my biggest fault in parkmaking, altho, IMO, my coasters these days are 100x better than the ones I built a year or so ago. Anyway, here's what I thought of the other entries:

    Richie - Wicked coaster, but thats always to be expected of you. LOL at the recycled name. :p Altho the coaster did have some slow parts, but nothing that seemed to interfere with the flow too much. Some really nice elements, like the sections the dipped under the lift hill and the interlocking corkscrews. The theming (what was there), was pleasant, yet reserved. Overall, a very solid entry.

    Panic - The best coaster design i've ever seen from you. I wasn't fond of the final turnaround, but loved all the height changes. Can't say much on the theming other than the station, despite being very small, was looking good. Nice entry dude.

    Hobbes - Wow, what a concept this was. I absolutely loved the customized chess pieces; so original and well-executed. The coaster however, missed its point IMO. Ride integration seemed to be the big challenge with this entry and the woodie just didn't do it for me. Otherwise, very creative and original.

    Kumba - wtf....wtf....wtf....The volcano entry didnt do much at all for me. The One Bad Day thing was, well, strange, but kinda cool in a weird way I guess.

    Overall, my vote goes to Richie, although it was extemely close between hobbes and richie.
  • Panic%s's Photo
    I would have to go with JKay. Despite the flaws on the coaster, his entry was by far the most immersive, i.e. creating many environments where there were no gaps; and in the space of 24 hours, immersion is a major accomplisment.

    I haven't looked at the boat ride yet in that one, but if you guys like that boat ride, you're REALLY going to like this other one he did, soon to be revealed. ;)


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