RCT Discussion / Death Match 4 (March) VOTING

Death Match 4 (March) VOTING

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    First to twenty wins. Check 'em out:

    Kumba - Son of the Creature
    Posted Image

    Kumba - One Bad Day
    Posted Image

    Panic - Night Vision
    Posted Image

    JKay - Legends of Osiris
    Posted Image

    Richie - Kilika
    Posted Image

    Hobbes - Chess
    Posted Image


    You will need to download the benches here.
  • PBJ%s's Photo
    JKay get's my vote.

    J is the king of colors.
    I saw the park and thought: JKay don't leave it this way finish it! i think it's look damn to good for leaving it unfinished.
  • elby%s's Photo
    I voted for Kilika!
    This Track is crazy!!!
    I like the Houses in the entrance area 8-)
  • artist%s's Photo
    Lmao kilika, should of guessed you would of named it that richie.

    I vote JKay that park was sick.

    The other parks were good but some were not, i really enjoyed richies,hobbes and panic's was alright. I didn't like Kumba's entries that much i thought the layout of son of the creature was a bit poor and what the hell is with those wierd interlocking corks you do on your beemers?
    Kumba's second entry was a good idea but the enjoyment of it lasted for like 2mins then was over and i was ready to load the next one up.
    Richies park was great if only he had done more, the coaster had a great layout but you should of made the lift a little higher to give the coaster more speed it lacked abit there, also you should of named the coaster "sending" or "trip of the farplane" :lol:
    Hobbes entry was the shit aswell i loved this entry so much i thought this has definetly got my vote then i opened JKay's and was like :0.
    Panics was also good but a little more themeing would of been super!

    Great round people good luck to hobbes and richie as they seem to have the strongest entrys that stand a chance of getting in the championship.
  • jon%s's Photo
    I didn't like the archy in JKay's park much. He needs to use more than 4 colours to make a great park.
    Kumba's entry's were good for the little that was there. One Bad Day amused me.
    Richie park easily the second best. The archy was very nice but the coaster was a bit disappointing. It had a bad layout IMO.
    Panics entry had nice supports and a good solid layout.
    Hobbes's entry was completed and I liked the concept. The chess pieces were pulled off very well with some great 1/4 tile stuff.

    My vote goes to hobbes.
  • X250%s's Photo
    I voted for Hobbes as i can appreciate the effort and time in it. The layout for the woodie was nice too. Second would be JKay, with another magnificent entry... Third would be Richie with Kilika, very nice entrance structures and the layout at the beginning was perfect.

  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Jkay gets my vote...it wasn't perfect, but it was more fun to look at.

  • moltenice%s's Photo
    :yup: Jkay has my vote all the way, that park is stunning!
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I'm going with Hobbes. I really liked the idea of doing a Chess board. I think the coaster could have interacted with the board more but it was still awsome. Also, Chess is one of my favorite board games.

    Jkay's was pretty cool but some of the architecture was eh and some buildings looked thrown together. The coaster was pretty cool and I really liked that dueling flume ride.

    Richie's had a nice layout. The architecture was ok but it could use some work. Try making your stuff less blocky.

    Panic's had a cool layout. Its simple yet effective. The station was alright but I wasn't all that impressed with it. It looked to small.

    Kumba-SOTC: Cool layout but it look liked 1 single line except for when you got back to the station area with the corks and their turnaround. The waterfalls were awsome. If you had finished this or done more for it, you could have easily won this match.

    Kumba-Bad Day: Lmao! :lol:
    Were you high when you made this? J/k. That entry was good for a nice laugh.
    "In the Balls" LOL! That name is hilarious.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Hobbes, that was great!
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well I started out just doing the BP cove themed B&M, then said fuck it im gona make a guy get hit in the nuts with a swinging ship, but what I really wanted to do was have his dick hanging out and then cut off by a gilateen, meh...

    My vote was for hobbes, very creative and a full map, and JKay would have got my vote but he had alreddy won.
  • Dark-Daxter%s's Photo
    Hobbes. The idea is worked out well. :)
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo

    Well I started out just doing the BP cove themed B&M, then said fuck it im gona make a guy get hit in the nuts with a swinging ship, but what I really wanted to do was have his dick hanging out and then cut off by a gilateen, meh...

    Such creative ideas Kumba. :lol:
  • iris%s's Photo
    hobbes is definitely very cool. But this just doesnt seem fair to me. Jkay by a landslide.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    jkay wins!
  • Cactus%s's Photo
    hmmm...wich one should I vote for.....Jkay, Panic or Hobbes.......
    ok, I decided to vote for Panic because the layout is amazing........good job! :yup:
  • Richie%s's Photo
    Holy shit, what happened there?

    about 30 seconds ago, jkay had 20, hobbes 9 and me 6.

    20 - 9 - 9 wtf?
  • sloB%s's Photo
    for the record, i voted for richie.

    although the rollercoaster had its faults, i enjoyed, for the most part, its bare layout. my favorite part was the descending turn right after the zero g roll which weaved right under the first drop. nice touch. also, the entrance area, however small and understated it may have been, showed considerable skill. i liked the flower formations and the bridge looked good. basically, i liked richie's for everything it could have been. i imagine this would have looked pretty sick if it were finished.

    jkay's entry had an appealing overview, but after looking closely, there wasn't much substance there. the rollercoaster was pretty weak, and i've always thought your architecture is way too messy. still a decent entry. one thing though, i noticed that you lowered the station entries for that flatride. how exactly do you do that? i've always wondered, just never bothered to take the time to figure it out.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well JKay wins, but second is a tie, I got an idea how to solve this but I will need to talk to Raven and maybe "twik" the rules a bit...
  • artist%s's Photo
    Let them both in and cut one week out.


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