RCT Discussion / Help save redbrains park

  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    ok, so redbrain send me his park http://forums.nedesi...t=ST&f=5&t=5945, park loaded and checked quite some scenery, about 15 secs, so i got a lot of what he needs but even I miss some objectdata, here's my request list (jees i wished rct2 would just show the whole list at once)

    I'll update the list after getting some CS and then trying to reopen.

    NEEDED :

  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    ok, screw this it's a TIME TWISTERS park, installing that now and will check the park after that, is it possible to open a TT park in rct2 when exporting the Custon Scenery ?
  • killing_moon%s's Photo
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Post some screens for us people who don't have TT.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    trying to install tt fucked up my whole rct2, fuck the rct2 add on's, deleting that shit and getting back to Rct2 itself...

    sorry redbrain...


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