General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
tracidEdge Offline
argh, i hate this game sometimes. after getting an error trapper, which prompted the sig change, i go back to redo the same shit i did before, and before i got the chance to save, the game fucking froze on me. now i have to do it again. for the third time. jesus christ.
anyway, i like those shots. 7.5.Edited by tracidEdge, 13 March 2006 - 08:06 PM.
X250 Offline
9/10 for the av, that wud be cool if u cud really have green & blue eyes, at the same time.
-X- -
X250 Offline
Theres no pic lol. I dont really get the writing anyway, but 10/10 cos you rated me!
-X- -
Casimir Offline
The first sentence is a worldly wisdom
The second sentence is senseless^^
The third sentence is a conclusion -
penguinBOB Offline
new one. taken from this (that i made): http://www.rctd.ft6..../bizzareweb.jpg
it's probably not the best cropping, but whateverEdited by penguinBOB, 21 March 2006 - 10:27 PM.
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