General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above

  • Dixi%s's Photo
    Nothing spesh, but somewhat pleasing balls, eye.
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Av: like a 6.
    Sig gets a 8.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    omg, egg_head has got a new style oO

    Ava: 9/10
    Sig: 9/10

    Well done, man!
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    5 and 6 for ava and sig.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    love it egg :) 10!
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Yep blah ur desperate. So that deserves a 4.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    What is with these userbars? Lame.

    You get a 6 though because you color coordinated them.
  • Leighx%s's Photo
    These userbar things are cool.

    Steve your advatar is gay (lol) = 3
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    yeah im gonna jump on the i hate userbars band wagon. =\

  • PBJ%s's Photo
    sig and ava both 7\10
  • Carl%s's Photo
    I love Futurama, and I think that sig is Halo? Not sure, but 8/10 both.
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Lol WTF thtats splintercell. Ermm dont think m uch of your sig but av not too bad. 5.
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    I liked your oldone better...
  • SenZ%s's Photo
    9/10 nice!
  • Leighx%s's Photo
    ^ Both the sig and advatar are just scary :|

  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Please keep these bubbles alive leighx!
  • X250%s's Photo
    av - 9/10 - eye see you!
    sig - 9/10 - strange, but cool.

  • egg_head%s's Photo
    10. The quote is just :D
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    i win
  • egg_head%s's Photo


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