General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
CoasterForce Offline
Av - Eh, I don't like it there, but I like the view in the sig...hard to explain...3/10
Sig - Pretty cool; I like the reflection. 8/10 -
killing_moon Offline
Luigi's Mansion wasn't a great game, so 5 for the avatar, as for the quality of rct work in the link of the sig, I give it a 5 as well. -
Highball Offline
Av: 4
Sig: 7
And just to let the next judge know my sig is composed of my upcoming parks. -
CoasterForce Offline
Ad = 7.
Sig = 8, your RCT work has been good, looking forward to your future stuff. -
killing_moon Offline
10, because you've kept it for so long, which is nice. On anyone else, perhaps an 8 or something. Like the ascii thingies as well. -
ChillerHockey33 Offline
Not really sure what your sig means...but i like that pic for some reason....8/10
I updated some text in mine...lets see if anyone notices...
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