General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Jellybones Offline
Audioscrobbler sig. Wow. Welcome to 2 weeks ago, Steve. Way to rip me off even though I was ripping off Git.
or IV in Roman numerals -
Steve Offline
Oh, quiet you. It's just more convient for me since I don't need to post what I'm listening to in the topic. Even though the site sucks and it never updates. >:[
And I can't say no to Manny. Your signature has captivated me. -
Jellybones Offline
You can't say no because Manny Ramirez is the best goddamn player on the Boston Red Sox.
It's too bad so many idiot sportswriters (like Dan Shaughnessy of the Globe--goddammit I hate him) want to run him out of town. As does the ownership. But then again, this same ownership ran Pedro Martinez (arguably the greatest pitcher in Red Sox history) out of town as well. So I'm not completely surprised.
I know we're off topic but this thread is retarded so I don't give a shit. -
Alpengeist Offline
LOL, yeah the avatar sucks. I'm making a new one right now.ergh..
0.5 if your lucky.
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