General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Jellybones Offline
Cool picture but its really small and I cant see enough. I give it a 7 and three tenths. -
penguinBOB Offline
9.8 words detract from the beauty of the picture
is this new one of mine any good? -
Jellybones Offline
no it clashes. mostly because it mentions penguins and all. and when i think penguins, I think this:
or this:
or even this:
the point is, penguins are all about cute and cuddlyness, and sometimes slapstick comedy. your signature is gone all death metal album cover on us. that doesn't work at all. puts me on some kind of trip.
Death metal. No penguins to be found. -
penguinBOB Offline
i was trying to go for a sort of oriental look--sort of a samuri movie kind of style... I might have to rip off this image to pull it off in your liking. -
Jellybones Offline
in that case. ninja penguins are way cool. i support ninja penguins. keep up the good work. -
artist Offline
[font="arial"]pbob keep the yellow signature that is just awesome, the other one is a bit blah.
i give the yellow a 9.[/font] -
REspawn Offline
[font="Arial"]8/10 lovely picture, text is off-skew.
Jellybones. Slipknot are not death metal.
[/font] -
mantis Offline
It looks like 'blolb', pbob. And I liked your old one
Artist - get rid of the text! The avatar is the best. -
artist Offline
[font="arial"]Yeah i think i may have to get rid of the text.
spoils it imo, i will get round to it later[/font]
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