General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above

  • -Piggynator-%s's Photo
    For the avatar 10/10 i like it :evil:
    Now me :lol: :lol:
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    AVATAR: I have ten points in my right palm. I may either give you as many as ten points, or keep for myself as many as ten points. I'll give you five of these ten points for effort (though I'm feeling generous) *opens his right palm and the five points turn into doves and fly into Piggynator's snout*, but keep for myself the five other points 'cause I don't like the colors. So in conclusion: five out of ten possible points.

    SIG: I'm gonna add the five points I kept from your AVATAR rating and combine them with the ten possible points available for your sig (using the same point system as used for the AVATAR) and give you minus fifteen out of ten possible points.
    i have my reasons, mainly that KFC doesn't stand for "Kentucky Fried Children".
    ya big wierdo.
  • 111112oo%s's Photo
    Av: Intresting.... 7/10
    Sig: 6/10

    'SSSammy' said

    if period is in the equation, you should probably always sit.

    Posted Image

  • Louis!%s's Photo
    please please please please please remove that god awful signature
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Nah, I'd rather shoot the brony first myself.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    ^I give you a 10/10 for the sig :D
  • Ruben%s's Photo
    For the Ava you'll get a 6/10 Mika, shades are okay but they're a little rough (literally) around the edges. :p

    For the Sig I fear I'll have to give you a 1/10. As long as you're Dutch and don't have (roughly) the same sig as I do you need to seriously consider where it went wrong. ;)
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
    ^for the avatar I'll give you 5/10, for the sig I'll give you 5/10 too
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I wanna rate disneylandian's avatar with a 10000000000000000000/10. He has the best avatar on the site. Ever.
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
    ^ava - 7/10 (it's funny :p)
    sig - 8/10 (it's funny too)
  • MorganFan%s's Photo
    Avatar: 5/10 What is it?
    Signature: 6/10 Thanks for informing us.

    Edit: I have changed my signature.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    Avatar: I love Keith Haring, but I'm not too interested in his nonpolitical work 8.5/10

    Sig: Low-res pictures and a ugly-ass font 4/10
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo

    'MorganFan', on 13 May 2012 - 7:39 PM, said:

    Avatar: 5/10 What is it?

    It's in Portuguese and it means: I love to do theater.
  • verti%s's Photo
    Meh. 4/10
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
    ^sig 5/10
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Sig 2

    Ava 3
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
    Ava 4
    Sig 10 (hahaha, it was on my first park)
  • 111112oo%s's Photo
    1/9 smokes r bad kiddos

    My sig:

    Posted Image

    Oh why does life have to be so ironic?! -Sweetie Belle

  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    ava 5, those are big ass eyes

    sig 7, cool
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    pic sucks, sig's alright


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