General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Timothy Cross Offline
How the fuck a topic about rating signatures and avatars can take this direction is beyond me. Except that FantardiCo is involved.
And how old are you again?FantardiCo???
sorry i hurt ur pride you cute little rebel, you.
chorkiel Offline
av: what is that ? 3/10
sig: Prejudiced~! much? the idea is fun but you executed it desperately. 2/10 -
5dave Offline
^That's Orbitron at Disneyland if I'm not mistaken.
Av: I like the Adobe reference in this. I ask myself if others get this too? ^^ 8/10
Sig: Classic quotes. But I'm not a fan of quotes in sigs, it's a bit distracting. 6/10
"MFG" -
Flap Offline
How the fuck a topic about rating signatures and avatars can take this direction is beyond me. Except that FantardiCo is involved.
Are you Drunk again??
Ava: Great
Signature: This is the best signature i've seen so far on NE -
Timothy Cross Offline
~ + ~
AVA: 8 / 10
I rather enjoy the themeparkism of it, but it's a little choppy and rough if you get me; and that is what held it back from being a '10'.
SIG: 7 / 10
Cool stuff you do, and the quote is RCTistical, but a bit drab and boring, despite.
~ + ~
. -
Timothy Cross Offline
Levis, dude, it's Star Trek TNG. Is this only an American thing?
AVA: 7 / 10. Pretty cool but blurry.
SIG: 3 / 10. Never a fan of others quotes about one's self. -
Levis Offline
Levis, dude, it's Star Trek TNG. Is this only an American thing?
AVA: 7 / 10. Pretty cool but blurry.
SIG: 3 / 10. Never a fan of others quotes about one's self.
sorry never really been that much into start trek. I figured it was from star trek so thats why I said it wasn't that intresting (for me).
Next one pick Fantastico -
Timothy Cross Offline
ava: dunno what it is but looks nice 7/10
This is what my above post before rating you was directed towards, my friend. My sig has nothing to do with Star Trek.
I feel people don't look too deep into posts, sigs, or avatars or whatever sometimes,, why should we?
Maybe we should?
Like that program that keeps track of all internet related material then predicts future events? What's that thing called?,, I saw it on the History Channel once, -
chorkiel Offline
av: 6/10 it's looking cool but I don't know what it is ;p
sig: 5/10 I don't get it but the colors are nice, I guess.. -
Timothy Cross Offline
I've rated your sig like 19 times, so i'll skip that and go to your relatively new ava
10 for the ava. Sometimes, a chicken can answer even the deepest question. It's even humorous what she gives as an answer. We can always count on a chicken to lighten the load,, by laying an egg. Then. when that egg hatches, it'll answer the question of that which existed first in the beginning of the history of history and existence and everything. The answer to the question of what came first: THE CHICKEN or THE EGG. I'm telln ya,, the chicken came first; 'cause we needed to answer the question once we discovered how to think about what was before us: so that's what came first in existance, WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS THIS EXTSNACE? WHAT THE CRAP IS THAT?? THAT'S THE FREAKIEST LOOKN DUMB CRAP THING I'VE EVER SEEN// It's a chicken stopid. The egg has just hatched and made that perfectly clear, ya big dumb stuppead.
So in conclusion: The egg came first. To answer the question of what is a chicken,, -
Timothy Cross Offline
hahe, as you shouldve guessed, another time for another world. The world of the chicken. Don't you know in their world terrible spelling is a must in order to Extsnanst. -
chorkiel Offline
The egg came first because dinosaurs laid eggs.
I've rated your av before I think, so I'll skip that.
My sig was slightly new but you missed the new second quote
sig: I don't get it. -
Chocotopian Offline
Avatar: 6/10 - not sure what it is, but it looks atmospheric enough
Signature: 8/10 - sound advice! -
Timothy Cross Offline
^ Ava: 0/10 why? I'm a very strange and bizarre individual. I don't like chocolate. Ask anyone, that's my one and only fault. I'm 99% perfect.
oh yeah, forgot, ur sig. I give it a two thumbs down out of 5 possible stars as determined by the judges of X factor.
That's right, Simon told me personally exactly what to think for myself. Oh yeah, and i hate chocolate.but i love you chocotopian, in a Barney sorta way. Give me a hug! I LOVE YOU! YOU LOVE ME!
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