General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above
25-February 05
Wanted Offline
My avatar is Roland from Stephen King's epic-The Dark Tower.
My sig is a quote from the greatest villain in fiction
Your avatar-8/10 Kinda creepy
Your sig-9/10 Belmont's getting old, time for a new accoladeBut the Posix really reflects the Posix+Kong true love.
Louis! Offline
7/10 - I lol'd when I first saw it, although now it's getting a bit old.
5/10 - Nice link to the avatar. The 'helpful member' part makes you seem desperate and needy. The links to your projects are pretty standard so nothing bad there, shame they aren't finished projects. -
Timothy Cross Offline
^ lol. I agree with your rating for Mr.ass.
Ava: Awesome.
Sig: Nice, but nothing new.
oops, I didn't assign points/out of/ten. Sorry everyone.. please forgive me.. I know it was a huge mistake and all.. I'm just stoopid.. sorry.. forgive me.. sorry! -
Metropole Offline
Avatar 6/10: No idea what it is, but it looks cool enough.
Sig 1/10: The most useless piece of "information" I have ever read. -
SSSammy Offline
reminds me of a mix between something off half life and that thing off hellboy 2
sick park, not got around to viewing it ingame yet
8/10 -
tdub96 Offline
Great avatar, you always have a good one thats hilarious. 10/10
I've been on your channel before, guess I should subscribe. And im looking forward to your projects as well. 9/10. -
chorkiel Offline
10/10 I love that album !
10/10 I love that album !
(actually listening to it right now xd) -
chorkiel Offline
^I love my av :c, ah well your opinion !
av: 8/10 - idk what it is but it's epic
sig: 7/10 - lol.
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